Chapter 14

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Things were becoming hectic within SAMCRO and it was putting a strain on the relationship between Happy and Cassandra. She did everything she could think of to lessen his and her but nothing worked so she distanced herself from him. Until, Happy got mad one night and went off on her.

"Who the fuck do you think you are touching my shit," He snarled in her face and Cassandra gasped as she dropped his hoodie. He ripped it off the floor and she backed away in shock. "I asked you a fucking question," he yelled and Cassandra's lip trembled.

"Hap, I-I was just picking up," she whimpered and his hand met her cheek in anger at her ridiculous reply. Cassandra fell on the bed with a scream and held her face. 

"You don't fucking touch my shit," he yelled in her face and she shook in fear. When he wasn't given a reply his hand struck her again. 

"Do you fucking understand me," he screamed and she nodded as tears poured from her eyes. Happy growled and walked out and slammed the door shut.


As soon as Happy left the house, his anger faded and his grip on the bike tightened in guilt and he pulled over. He pulled his phone out and called her number as a lump grew in his throat. It rang for awhile then went to voicemail and fear gripped Happy.

He sped home and saw her car gone and on the couch was her phone and everything he got her. The keys of her Dyna sitting next to everything making Happy grip his head in his hands. That's how he stayed until his phone rang.

"What," he snapped and he heard sirens on the other end. 

"Hap," Tig's voice filled the other line with sadness making Happy shoot up.

"Tig, what is going on," Happy growled and Happy heard Jax yelling in the background. 

"Hap, it's Cas," Tig croaked and Happy's phone dropped from his hand as he grabbed his keys and ran to his bike and sped to where the pain in his chest led him.

As Happy grew closer, he could see the flashing lights of the ambulance and police but what stopped his heart was the Challenger in the ditch flipped over and his girl laying partially out of the window. Tears poured from his eyes as he jumped off the bike ignoring the yells from his brothers.

"CASSANDRA," the scream ripped from his chest as he slid next to her and his hands trembled in fear. "Baby," he whispered and touched her bruised cheek where his hand print lay.

Her eyes weakly opened and she tried to focus on him. "Hap," she croaked and her head went limp against Happy's leg her eyes shutting. "Baby come on, wake up. Baby, I'm sorry wake up," he begged and Jax and Chibs wrapped their arms around him and pulled him away so the medics could take her out.

They pulled a screaming and hysterical Happy towards the bikes and Gemma wrapped her arms around him comfortingly. Happy's eyes never left the car as they pulled Cassandra from it and his eyes followed as they put her in the ambulance.

Jax looked at the man with sadness as Happy gripped Gemma. "Did you do that to her face," he weakly asked and all Happy could do was nod. 


SAMCRO sat in the waiting room all waiting for news of Cassandra when the door burst open. Jason's eyes held a fire in them as they locked locked on Happy and he launched himself at him. Opie yanked him off and Jason slammed something in front of everyone on the table. "She's two months," he spat in Happy's face.

With shaking hands, Happy picked up the picture and saw a red circle around what he thought was a dot but he knew was his kid. A doctor came out followed by Tara who had a sad look on her face.

"She's in a coma and I'm sorry. The baby didn't survive the crash," with those words Happy's life fell in to hell.

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