Chapter 15

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Two months have passed since the wreck and Happy constantly visited the hospital. His fear that if he missed one day then the next, her room would be empty and some asshole in a white coat would tell him she had passed in the night.
Happy couldn't even try to think of her not being in his world. She was his sanity and his rock losing her would damage him. That's why Happy began planning.
He renovated their house so it was nicer for her. He fixed her Challenger and even did some modifications to her bike.
It was a Tuesday afternoon,when Happy walked into the hospital but he found everyone giving him pitying looks. Feeling his stomach tighten he ran to Cassandra's room but was stopped by Tara.
"Let me in," he growled but the younger woman pulled him away from the door.
"She woke up this morning," Tara told her and Happy's eyes widened and he started smiling a bit.
"Then let me in there. She needs me," Happy started turning around but Tara grabbed his arm.
"She doesn't want to see you Hap. I'm sorry," the doctor whispered and Happy's heart clenched in agony.
"What are you saying? Of course, she wants to see me. I'm her boyfriend. Her Old Man,"Happy growled and stormed into the room and sighed gently as he saw Cassandra staring out the window.
"Cassie" he said in delight and walked towards her quickly. However, she whimpered and flinched from his touch and he looked at her confused.
"Please get out," she whispered and Happy's body shuddered after once again hearing her voice.
"Baby, its me. I'm here," Happy told her and once again went to wrap her in his embrace but she shook and scooted away from.
"Please get out. It's over Happy. Once, I get out of here I'm leaving," she said and Happy choked.
"No baby please. You know I didn't mean to hurt you," he begged and rested his palm on her cheek. This time she let him as he saw how much he craved the feel of her skin.
Cassandra shook in fear but stayed still as Happy quietly begged and whispered his love. His world was crumbling at the thought of her leaving.
"I will stay at the clubhouse or with Ma. Anthing but please, please don't go," he begged looking up at her.
"It's over Happy. Please get out. I will have Gemma or Tara pack my bags," she whispered amd Happy stiffly straightened to his full height.
"I'm sorry," he begged while pulling her hands in his and bringing them to his lips. "You're my queen, I need you," he told her but she pulled her hands from his.
Jax walked in and grabbed Happy's arm gently. "Come on brother," he quietly told Happy who looked at Cassandra. He studied every detail of her beautiful face then his eyes locked on her neck. Soon that piece of art would be gone.
"Please. Cassandra, please. I love you. CASSANDRA, PLEASE. I LOVE YOU," Happy screamed as Jax pulled him out of the room with help from Opie and Chibs.
Cassandra was released a week later and as promised her stuff was waiting at Gemma's. The older woman wrapped her in a hug then kissed her cheek. "You're always gonna be family," Gemma told her honestly and Cassandra smiled sadly.
"Please, watch over him Gemma," She asked softly and Gem nodded as they heard motorcycles pull up. "They're here to see you safely out of Charming," Gemma told her.
Happy sat on his bike clutching Cassandra's leather jacket in his hands. The word 'LOWMAN' that was patched on the back was now bunched in his tight grip and the diamond ring sat in his pocket.
Cassandra walked outside and got in to the truck Jason have her. Starting, the engine she pulled out and made her way out of Charming with a long line of bikers behind her. Stopping short of the county line, she pulled over to say her goodbyes.
She hugged her friends one by one until she got to Happy. His dark eyes begging her silently to stay. She sadly shook her head and his legs collapsed underneath him and he buried his face against her stomach.
Her lips rested on his head and she stroked his back soothingly. Happy wrapped his arms around her knees as he begged quietly.
"I'll always love you Happy," Cassandra whispered as she kissed his head again. With a huge difficulty, she backed away from him. "Take your jacket at least," he told her standing slowly and held the black leather towards her. She rest her hand on his then closed his fist over it.
"Keep it," she whispered and then pulled him so she could place on last kiss to his lips. "Goodbye, my King," she whispered in his ear gently then got back in the truck and left.

 "Goodbye, my King," she whispered in his ear gently then got back in the truck and left

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