Chapter 1 Caught

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Hi my name is Hermione Granger. This is the tale of how I went back in time just a little too far and met the man of my dreams. It was winter time at Hogwarts and especially cold this year. The war was over but things were amiss. I couldn't sleep half of the time and greatly missed Professor Snape being around to scold Harry, Ron, and I for the littlest of things. I visited his memorial every Saturday evening at about seven. After the war was over the ministry seized all time turners in existence to destroy them. However, being that I was smart and worked for the ministry I was able to keep my unregistered one from my school days and hide it close by in case I ever needed it. 

The war had been over for seven years now. It felt like an eternity but I was slowly learning to live with the nightmares and the loneliness. I had originally wanted to teach at Hogwarts but felt that returning would only make matters worse for me. I was never able to restore my parent's memories. No amount of research brought me any closer to the answer. I sought solace at Snape's grave or his house in Spinner's End a lot of the time. As Snape had no family when the house went up for sale I purchased it and kept everything the same, save for the dust. Whenever I would visit his grave I would sometimes speak to him imagining he could hear me. It at least brought a little comfort to me. On this particular occasion, someone had already beaten me to his grave. All I could see was a blonde head, one outstretched hand on Snape's headstone and a lily in the other hand. I turned to go back the way I came when I heard my name being called.

"Hermione?" Draco spoke in a questioning manner. "Why are you here?" I was absolutely dumbfounded at his use of my name. He was actually putting forth an effort to be nice. Instead of turning to face him my mind flashed to Snape. I grew somber and bowed my head continuing to walk away. Tears started to form in my eyes as I heard footsteps growing closer to me. As I felt his cold bony hand on my shoulder I tried to shrug him off. He whipped me around to face him, his hands holding both of my shoulders forcing me to look into his eyes. My lip quivered but I remained strong. I couldn't let Malfoy of all people see me cry.

Draco's eyes softened as he could see how distressed I was. He released me and looked down at what I was carrying. I usually brought a Potions book to read a little to Snape and a lily for his memory. I couldn't hold it together and I fell to my knees burying my head in my hands effectively letting everything hit the ground. Instead of scoffing or standing by to make fun of me Draco bent down and drew me into a hug. After a few minutes I was able to catch my breath and calm my nerves.

"I apologize. I didn't mean to hurt you nor did I realize how much my Godfather truly meant to you." Draco said releasing me from his hold and helping me to my feet. I sniffed, wiped my eyes, and continued to stare at the ground. 'What would your dear Professor say if he could see you this way?' I shook my head to myself. The little voice in my head never let me get away with my feelings for anyone, especially Snape. I brushed myself off before finally making eye contact with Draco.

I gave him a half-hearted smile and began to speak trying not to sound too weak," Your Godfather was a great man. I do miss him dearly, but he was nothing more than my mentor if anything." Looking back at what I said to Draco I wasn't exactly lying. He didn't seem to believe me though as he smirked ruffling my already unruly hair, "Okay Granger whatever you say."

***Disclaimer notice! I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters, places, names, etc. unless I create my own original add-in character and all Harry Potter fans will always know when that happens. This will be the only disclaimer since at this point I feel I shouldn't really need them because this is clearly a fanfiction story to do with Harry Potter.

 I apologize that this is an extremely short Chapter but the first two chapters are mainly promo to see how this story does before I add on! Thanks for reading lovelies!***



a.k.a. Hermione Snape

Time Traveling to You (Snamione) #TheWattys2019Where stories live. Discover now