Chapter 16 Explanations and Discoveries of the Heart

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Hermione's POV

A week had passed by since Severus's birthday and he was in a particularly foul mood today. Students filed into his classroom rather noisily as if they had forgotten upon whose class they were walking into. I noticed this and sent red sparks up into the air with the sound of muggle bottle rockets that squealed. Everyone turned their attention to the front of the classroom and got really silent. Severus was shocked but sent a quick thank you glance to me. I could tell he knew I was rather pleased with myself to say the least as he didn't have to get anymore riled than he already was. Then before he could speak I did something else that shocked him.

"Five points away from Gryffindor and from Slytherin for unruly conduct in the classroom when class is supposed to be taking place. You are all expected to write a foot page essay of what classroom conduct means and why we have these rules set in place. In addition you will have your normal classwork to attend to. Professor Snape will be sure to inform you on what that is momentarily." I looked to Severus as he raised an eyebrow approvingly. He turned to the class and stared at them. He loved seeing them all scared but ready to actually learn something. I couldn't help but notice how he was glancing around the room. When he broke the silence his voice was calm and soothing as ever. His voice was always nice like chocolate and velvet to my ears. I noticed his cheeks redden as he cleared his throat.

"Today we will be learning the proper brewing qualities of the potion Amortentia more commonly known as a Love Potion. As Valentine's Day is around the corner I'd rather you know how to properly brew it than accidentally kill someone from brewing your secret love potions." He sneered at the class as he told them to begin. He sat behind his desk to grade some papers. Most of the class had read about Amortentia before as they were sixth years but just in case Severus had made them open their books and read quietly for ten minutes before beginning on their potions. When classes were finally at an end for the day; Severus had only given out two detentions and taken an additional ten points from Gryffindor for a tardy student. He slumped in his office chair pinching the bridge of his nose. I walked in when he was beginning to sigh.

"You look like you could use a drink." He waved his hand at me to motion he was fine but kept his eyes closed. I noticed the book on Amortentia we had bought at the bookstore splayed across his desk. Messy notes were everywhere. Next to it was the Potions book I had bought him for his birthday and I smiled that he was putting it to good use.

"You've been busy." I raised an eyebrow pointing to the mess as he opened his eyes to look at me.

"Oh that well yes I've been researching a bit on our situation." I had almost forgotten about the ring Severus had gotten me until it started to grow warm around my finger and glow a bit. Severus was staring at me with a sort of hunger in his eyes.

"By the way thank you for docking points in class but when you think you may want to ward your mind better." He grinned at me and I quickly realized what he was referring to. When I had been thinking of his voice I had let my guard down and was thinking freely without even realizing it. It seemed our bond as friends was growing because I let my guard down a lot around him. He trusted me but he always had his guard up because he had lots of practice with Occlumency as a young adult.

I hadn't had near the experience in Occlumency or as a Legilimens like Severus did but it couldn't stop me from being confused by what Arabella had told me when I met her. 'No human has ever been able to block out their mind from me...' When she said that I wonder if she had meant Severus was unable to block her either. I hadn't realized I was spacing out until Severus was standing directly in front of me looking down at me with one of his genuine smiles.

"When you think you really disappear to another world, you know that right?" Severus grinned at me poking the tip of my nose uncharacteristically. I loved every bit of Severus but this part of him had to be the most delightful. I smiled back at him and tapped my chin.

Time Traveling to You (Snamione) #TheWattys2019Where stories live. Discover now