Chapter 21 De-Glamorization: Part 2

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Severus's POV

I used to think failure was an inevitable option or course of action that one couldn't help but stumble into unwillingly and subconsciously. However, in this particular situation whilst I gazed at Hermione I thought of this course of action and if we did fail it would be very fatal to Hermione; so failure was not an option. It boiled my blood that there was nothing I could do to help the de-glamorization process. Hermione had gone back as I had suggested but not without me leading the way; even though I could clearly sense she didn't want to be in any close proximity to Crysthian. It appeared Lesley had said something to him by the time we returned. Crysthian was sulking with a triumphant looking Lesley standing in front of him. Hermione clung to my side as if her life depended on it. However, I didn't really mind. It felt wonderful to have her hold onto me and it was sure to rustle a few feathers of a certain Veela so to speak. As Lesley approached us I noticed that same soft glow emitting from our hands as Hermione held onto me. His head cocked to the side as he looked between us then to Crysthian. They both walked closer inspecting us as if we were some odd specimen.

"Severus will you come with me while Lesley starts the de-glamorization process. It will help if you aren't in too close of a proximity to her while we begin," Crysthian said still staring between Hermione and myself in puzzlement.

Several minutes went by before I heard the first scream. I started to run to her but Crysthian caught me around the waist holding me back.

"Severus you mustn't go to her! I'm sorry I didn't realize this sooner. It appears she is just more than a hidden one. Until we fully de-glamorize her you can't go to her!" Crysthian let go of me as I fell to the ground on my knees. I thought Lily's death had been the worst thing I had ever been through but hearing Hermione scream felt like my own death because there was nothing I could do to help her. When Crysthian could see that I was restraining myself enough he went to help Lesley with the de-glamorization process as they needed both of their powers to complete it. We even had to set up shields and protection wards so no students would wonder into the area or hear anything going on. After about three hours of hearing Hermione scream off and on Crysthian returned with Lesley. They appeared a little less than happy as they sat down next to me on the ground.

"Severus how long has she been here in this time?" Lesley asked me calmly. I was stunned that they had even known.

"A while. If I had to guess I would say around August this past year just about a month before the school term started. Why is that important? Is she going to be okay?" I explained my answer but I was increasingly becoming more worried as they stared at me. They both looked at each other as if telling each other one of them should tell me something. Crysthian sighed looking back at me and the torn expression on my face.

"Severus she will be fine in time. We were unable to finish all of the de-glamorization today as it is too hard on her body to release so much power at once. We will have to continue in another month or two when she has enough strength. We have come to the conclusion that she is not human at all like we previously thought her to be part Veela like yourself. Even though she is a hidden one...she appears to be showing characteristics of a full blooded Veela but also of our ancient ancestor's bloodline." Crysthian ran his fingers through his hair sighing to himself again before Lesley began speaking this time.

"Treat her well Severus. She is special. The glowing that is happening between you I've only ever read about such things happening. It's said that when two Veela really belong together as life mates and are truly in love one of them must be of ancient royalty to have that glow. It is not you Severus so it must be her blood that is making you glow together as one. Much like that little passage you two found in your book." Lesley looked at me with a reassuring smile but I was not feeling very reassured. I still felt pain in my heart that Hermione had to undergo such pain to de-glamorize herself. If I had just let matters be she wouldn't be in so much pain and to think she must go through it again in a few months was heartbreaking. I couldn't stand the thought of her going through something like this again. I watched as Crysthianand Lesley flew away back to their realm and I composed myself putting on my blank mask. 

However, I was unprepared for seeing Hermione laying in a lifeless heap on Hagrid's oversized chair. It took all of what I had not to break down again. Thankfully Hagrid was out taking care of some animals for the Care of Magical Creatures Professor. I bent down next to Hermione lifting her in my arms. She groaned and snuggled into my chest. In that sweet moment her mouth fell open and I noticed tiny fangs protruding like mine. I took a closer look at Hermione. Crysthian and Lesley had been successful in removing a couple glamour spells. Her hair appeared a bit longer and slightly darker underneath,her fangs were visible, she had less freckles, and her skin was lighter. Shehad yet to open her eyes so I had no inclination that they had changed. I was just glad that she would be okay.    

Hermione's POV

I followed closely behind Severus back to Hagrid's hut. I knew what had to be done but I didn't want to be anywhere near Crysthian at this point in time. It would seem that I didn't have much of a choice at the moment but as I looked on to see a very proud looking Lesley I noticed Crysthian was sulking on the ground. 'Serves the poor bastard right for what he said to you Hermione.' My inner voice was quite right as I tried to ignore Crysthian. As we drew nearer the two Veela men stood and stared at Severus and I as well as our joined glowing hands. They looked between each other in silence as if they were communicating telepathically. Crysthian took Severus to the edge of the forest as Lesley took my hand leading me in the opposite direction.

"My dear you should not be near him for what we are about to do. It may harm him with the surge of magical energy you are about to release." Lesley spoke softly as his wings hung down in despair. He knew something else that he wasn't telling me. Why did everyone always feel the need to shelter me from something? Even in my own time people hid things from me. I suddenly felt rage course through me my blood pulsing into my ears. Lesley looked up at me in shock as he slowly had me look in a puddle next to the lake. I had transformed in anger into an abhorrent beast. As I let tears fall my face became normal and I put my hand over my mouth in horror.

"I think spending time with Veela has opened your glamour a bit. When we Veela become angry enough or feel a very heavy emotion we can transform ourselves but it is a rare quality as most Veela never have a chance to release such emotions other than in times of war. I'm afraid this may hurt once we start. All the proper wards are in place." Lesley placed a comforting hand on my shoulder waving towards the huge boulders that lined the shore of the Black Lake. He laid me down on the smoothest part of the boulder using my cloak as a pillow. He began his incantations placing different crystals on me for all manner of things from protection over myself to minimizing pain. 

However, I think he was quite unprepared for just how much pain I was going to be in. I tried relaxing my mind and finally succeeded just as the pain began. To say it was excruciating was an understatement. I began to let out loud screams of agony and torture. It was if someone had administered the Cruciatus curse in tenfold. Each time that my body would calm down it would be struck again with the same pain and more screams. It felt as if they were never ending. Then my world turned black and everything ceased to exist. All was quiet and forgotten.

The next thing I could remember was feeling Severus lift me to him. I snuggled closer into his chest letting a groan escape my throat. He smelled lovely and welcoming as I laid lifeless in his arms. I wanted to hug him, to tell him how much I loved him, to smile at him, but I couldn't move or speak. My body felt heavy but not as heavy as my mind felt at that moment. Although, I couldn't move I relished in the feeling of Severus's warmth as it lulled me back to unconsciousness. 

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