Chapter 15 A Happy Birthday

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Hermione's POV

Finally it was the day of Severus's birthday. I had prepared as much as I could and thank Merlin students wouldn't start returning this year until the week after his birthday. If they had been returning this week he would no doubt go back to his snide remarks towards the students and be stressed to the bone. Around me he was different and much calmer. He is so sweet in all the little things he does for me even though we are only friends. I just hoped that he liked a little birthday surprise because I know he didn't really care for surprises. I walked down the dungeon corridor thinking everything over while trying to keep my wall closed tight in case Severus got suspicious since I wasn't the best at hiding things. It was about midday and no doubt he would be wondering where I had been since I hadn't seen him since the pie prank a few days ago. I had been so busy preparing that I hoped he wasn't thinking I was avoiding him. 

I had even made him a cake decorated in Slytherin colors like the rest of the room. Even though he wasn't big on sweets he did enjoy that Sorbet so I made him that in case the cake was too much. My stomach began to growl loudly right before I reached Severus's office. I hadn't eaten much in the past couple of days and hadn't been in the Great Hall with the other Professor's or Severus. Come to think of it he hadn't even come around to see if I was okay or that I wasn't avoiding him. I let my hand rest on the door for a minute before knocking. I tended to overthink things so I just shoved the feelings deep down and knocked. No one answered. I knocked again and was met with an endless silence. I wondered where he could be then I thought of his private study and the Black Lake. It was rather cold out so my best bet would be to check his study first. As I reached his study I could hear a small noise coming from his chambers. It sounded like crying. I put my ear up to the door and knocked lightly.

"Severus are you in there?" I waited for an answer but the sound stopped and I was met with silence yet again. I couldn't think of what would make him this upset besides me not coming around for days not even to eat with him. I groaned to myself out of how dumb I had been to do nothing but prepare that stupid room for a party he may or may not even want.

"Severus I'm coming in." I slowly creaked open the door but when I opened it there was no one there.

I called a house elf that normally brought him food and she said, "Master Severus has been very upset. And when Master heard Miss Hermione knocking on his door he fled the room as quick as he could." That broke my heart to hear so I ran quickly through the room all the way to the Forbidden Forest where I knew I would find him. I heard him sniffling when I got nearer and realized he was in the clearing where we would meet Arabella. I stepped lightly so that I could get close to him without him running again. When I got close enough to see him he was sitting on the snow covered ground and didn't even have his cloak on. He looked very distraught with his hair hanging in front of his face as he peered into the water. It reminded me of when I had met him. I got closer and knelt down beside him. I gathered he had already sensed my presence as he got very still and kept his hair in front of his face avoiding my gaze.

"Severus please look at me. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked softly hoping he would look at me. Instead of looking or moving at all he stayed in the same position. 

I grabbed his hand and brought it to my heart. I could tell now he was looking through his hair at me wondering why I would let him touch me. His hands were so cold and I couldn't help but get teary eyed seeing him like this. I opened my arms motioning I wanted to hug him to me. Slowly he gave into me and I could feel his tears on my shoulder. I smoothed out Severus's hair and rubbed his back while he let me hold him to me. I could tell how alone he had been feeling and it saddened me. I was glad I meant as much to him as he did to me but I was really sad that he felt this way. As we drew back from the hug I kissed his forehead and wiped his tears. His eyes were closed but he let me wipe them away.

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