Chapter 11 The Christmas Party: Part 2

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Severus's POV

Lucius appeared out of nowhere smiling at me with a small wave. 'Oh boy this could end very badly Severus tread lightly.' I took a swig of my drink refilling it before making my way back to Hermione. I didn't want to speak nor did I want to see Lucius right now. Apparently he didn't take the hint instead following my gaze to Hermione and Mr. Weasley. He frowned and his face became contorted with disgust. Then his frown was replaced with a sneer. "This can't be good," I whispered to myself.

Hermione was smiling down at the young Weasley children. Ronald and Ginevra I presumed. I tried to make my way to her quickly. When I finally handed her drink to her I whispered in her ear.

"Don't be alarmed but Lucius is here and he seems to have taken a particular interest in you this evening. Now don't panic I will draw him away into the Entrance Hall. For a small chat." I finished and looked her in the eyes to make sure she was calm.

"No. Severus if you are going to speak to him I am too. If he has as you said taken an interest he isn't going to give up until he either gets what he wants or he causes a scene. With their being children here I doubt that would be wise." She finished speaking motioning towards the Weasley kids. I sighed inwardly she was so stubborn and I knew she wouldn't back down on this. Deciding I had lost this one I just nodded in agreement. Almost having forgotten that Molly and Arthur were still there they cleared their throats.

"Apologies for the interruption Severus but I have a question for you that dear Hermione here was explaining to me." Arthur Weasley spoke to me gaining my attention.

"What would that be Arthur?" I said trying not to sound snarky or impatient.

"Well she said that she was going to teach you a few things about muggle artifacts and I was hoping if you found any abnormal properties that could be cured with a spell of a sort or a potion if you would be willing to offer your expertise and assistance?" Arthur spoke in a hurried manner. When he finished he appeared a bit red as if he was hoping he didn't offend me. I actually was happy to receive such a request. The only ones who usually took my expertise into account for anything were Albus, Minerva, Poppy, and St. Mungo's. I raised an eyebrow at Hermione, clever witch.

"I would be delighted to help assist you in any way possible Arthur," I smiled and the room seemed to freeze. It got eerily quiet as people noticed I had just smiled and to a Weasley at that. If there had been more students here they would have probably fainted out of pure shock. Then I heard a couple girls having a conversation in the distance.

"I didn't know he could even smile." A girl spoke to another girl, "Shh Melanie he can probably hear you. Plus you don't know anything about him maybe he just doesn't like people so he chooses to never smile at them." I could hear the other girl defend me and her friend 'Melanie' made a snorting sound. "As if Shae, he's a cold-hearted greasy dungeon bat and he will die alone."

I shook Mr. Weasley's hand and bid his family goodnight. As soon as I made my way over to the girls who had been having a secret conversation about me they got extremely quiet. I recognized them from my classes they were fifth years. Melanie Romatil was a Slytherin and Shae Mikaelson was a Gryffindor. Odd how a Gryffindor would defend me, especially a student. What I was about to do was foreign and almost against my nature as a Slytherin in every way possible.

"Detention Miss Romatil. For a month and fifty points from Slytherin for slandering a teacher," I looked over to her friend and she seemed nervous, "Sixty points to Gryffindor Miss Mikaelson for defending a teacher and speaking up where it counts." They both stared at me their mouths gaping. The Slytherin girl Melanie was visibly angry that I had just taken away points and from my own house at that. Her friend Shae however was looking at me with a look of admiration. When they finally dispersed Hermione showed up at my side.

"What was all that about?" She looked at me with an arched eyebrow.

"My dear, you are a bad influence on me," I replied crossing my arms and smirking.

"Oh am I?" Hermione smiled widely, "why is that Mr. Snape?" She grinned peering up into my eyes.

I shivered and replied, "I just took fifty points away from my own house and awarded them to Gryffindor with a surplus of ten." I felt sickened at the thought but also happy a student had stood up for me. It meant that not all of my students hated my guts at least. Hermione smiled at me beginning to go into a fit of giggles as we left the Great Hall.

"What may I ask is so funny?" I said looking at her in amazement. She wiped her eyes as they had started to water from her laughter.

"You are Severus. First you smile at Mr. Weasley in front of everyone. Then you claim to hate Gryffindor but you just put those girls' houses aside for punishment and reward for a situation. You amaze me." She looked at me her cheeks turning pinker than the laughing had caused. She was such a beautiful witch. How could she have ever felt anything for my older self? He was hideous in numerous ways down to his dark stained soul. However, somehow she was able to see the light in me even then. I grabbed Hermione's hand as we passed through the last archway leading to the Dungeons. There was a mistletoe directly above us. Ah, what am I thinking she's not going to want to do that.

I stumbled a bit clearing my throat and she stopped walking. I began to turn red avoiding her gaze then pointed up with a blank look on my face. I could feel her draw nearer then with an unexpected jolt I felt her lips on mine. It took merely a second before I reacted and began to kiss her back. The feeling was electrifying like a thousand tiny molecules had just lit up and decided to flash everywhere. I reached my arms around her holding her close until we broke from the kiss. We both opened our eyes just in time to see a faint pink glow emitting from between us. Then as if on cue a light stinging started to be on my lips. According to her reaction Hermione's lips were stinging too.

"What was that?" She said sounding a bit hazy.

"I think we just made some type magic. Much like the effects of Amortentia but real. Amortentia is particularly strong and quite hazardous. It's hard for me to explain since I've never experienced it personally before as I know potions much better than love magic," I finished speaking in an even tone studying her reaction. She didn't seem the least bit phased that I had mentioned the word love. I'm assuming she knew what Amortentia was as well. 

She smiled and drew me into her arms again for a second kiss. This one I was more prepared for and we took it in full stride. I put my hands on either side of her face leaning my forehead on hers. We were both out of breath from just two kisses. I was still unsure what her true feelings were for me but at this moment I felt it was safe to assume she could possibly feel the same way I did. This was the best Christmas I had ever had. I almost forgot all about Lucius being there because when he noticed I was avoiding him he decided not to pursue me further for the night. I was glad he was at least letting me enjoy the night.

We made our way to our separate chambers after having a hot mug of cocoa by the fire. She said it was more of a muggle thing but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Muggles were fascinating in a sense that they found magic in the smallest of moments without actually knowing it was all around them. I sighed as I laid down in my quiet dark room this was turning out to be the most fun I had had in ages not to mention the best Christmas I'd ever had.

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