Chapter 6 Slytherin Pride

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Hermione's POV

Severus had been acting strange and distant the past week when he had confessed he needed me and didn't want me to go anywhere. At first I assumed it was his Slytherin pride keeping him from confronting me about it but now I was starting to think he didn't want to even think about it let alone talk about what had happened. I sighed deeply changing into an emerald green dress with silver lining and put my black cloak robes on top. I passed a mirror and noticed how good I looked in green but my hair was always this frizzy ball on top of my head. 

I was exasperated to no end with my hair and finally started to use a charm on it to make it straight and wavy before pinning it back. 'Ah that's way better than the frizzy teenager Severus knew.' I couldn't help but think what the older Severus would have thought seeing me this way. However, now that the younger one had all his memories he should react the same. I grinned to myself getting a mischievous idea. I bet Severus won't recognize me right away.

It was near noon meaning Severus was about to have a free period and then lunch in the Great Hall. I walked to the classroom and knocked softly. There was no answer so I knocked a bit louder cracking the door open. The classroom was completely empty. I went to Severus's office and knocked lightly hearing movement but no reply.

I knocked again, "Severus can we talk please?" I was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable the way I was dressed thinking he wouldn't take any notice now that he knew it was me knocking on his door.

"Not now Granger I'm busy." He growled through the door. That struck a nerve and it stung but I wouldn't give in so easily.

"Severus Tobias Snape you get your Slytherin arse out here right this minute!" I yelled through the door feeling my face grow hotter; eyes threatening to spill tears. That seemed to do the trick as Severus swung open the door in all his dramatizing fury glowering down at me until he noticed I was glaring daggers right back at him and wasn't backing down.

"Merlin woman what!? What is so dire you feel the need to interrupt me while I'm working?" He threw his hands in the air in a very unlike Snape manner and retreated into his office. I followed him quickly slamming the door shut behind me. He sat back down behind his desk as I warded his office so that we would be completely uninterrupted. Severus seemed to notice as he rested his head on his hands, narrowed his eyes, and arched an eyebrow.

"Now that we can actually speak to each other." I said in a huffy manner. He really had set me off by brushing me off whether he meant to or not.

"Well what is it? I have work to finish and as my assistant you should be helping grade essays." Severus said calmly. I looked at him and scrunched my face in disgust.

"You honestly can't think of possibly why I would want to speak to you? Seriously you call your students dunderheads but you are the biggest dunderhead I have ever met!" I crossed my arms expectantly staring at him as he grew very red. 'Oh dear Hermione you've done it! Now he's angry.' Severus pinched the bridge of his nose and pointed to the chair. I paced around his office rather than sitting down. He seemed to gauge my agitation and depression because he didn't ask me to sit again. Instead he stood up blocking my path of pacing.

"Hermione...Hermione look at me please." Severus caringly put his hand under my chin and tilted my face up. I looked at him and wished I hadn't because I couldn't hold my emotions in check any longer causing the tears to finally break loose. My lip trembled as Severus kissed the tears away on my cheeks bringing me into a hug.

"I'm sorry if you feel like I've been distant. I was sort of embarrassed about what had happened. I do need you Hermione. Whether it is as my assistant or a friend you are needed. I just didn't know how to react after saying such things while I was clearly drunk. I didn't do anything to you did I?" He withdrew from the hug to look me in the eyes. My cheeks were getting hot but I shook my head no.

"You kissed me to stop me from laughing but that's it. Not a big deal really. I just was worried after I decided to stay if you freaked out and didn't want to be friends anymore." I looked at the ground hearing him sigh deeply.

"No I didn't 'freak out' as you so eloquently put it I just needed to think and really I have just been super busy. By the way why did you change your look?" 'Ooolala Hermione he noticed your new look.' I smiled and did a small twirl for him causing my robes to flow with the air.

"I mainly felt like dressing nice today and was really tired of my hair not cooperating with me. Is it too much?" I said putting my hands on my hair making a small concerned face. Severus smiled and started to laugh. 'Well Merlin's beard who knew the snarky Potions Master had such a sexy laugh.' He covered his mouth waving his hand at me.

"Ss...orry. You look beautiful either way Hermione." Severus continued to smile widely. 'Oh I could definitely never get used to seeing him smile but it makes him even more handsome when he does.'

"Awe thank you Severus. I also wore Slytherin colors as I was feeling a bit like a Slytherin today." I winked at him turning to the door. Just as I was about to take the wards down I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind and a chin rest on top of my head.

"Woman you don't need to be any more Slytherin. You are already the most formidable person ever when it comes to your Slytherin-like temper." I could feel him grinning even without looking.

"Well you are the most Gryffindor-like dungeon bat dunderhead ever." I spoke jokingly but felt his jaw drop as he hugged me tighter before letting go.

"You are definitely a force to be reckoned with my dear." He smiled as he waved his hand disarming my wards on his door. I was in complete shock as no one could just undo my wards by waving their arms about like a flailing monkey. I decided to not say anything though as we sat in chairs by his desk. I assisted him in grading the remainder of his essay assignments from first and sixth year students. He didn't need my help in the classroom at all today so I stayed in his office until dinner grading papers. Finally when I finished the last one Severus brought me some dinner. We sat in silence and ate just happy to be in each other's company. I could tell he was a bit more at ease since our conversation and the fact he had nothing to grade. All was well with his lovely Slytherin pride I had been so afraid of.

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