Chapter 9 The Memories That Haunt Us

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Severus's POV

I sat at the edge of my bed with my head deep in the pensieve I had received from Dumbledore years ago. I had viewed my memories of Lily so many times it was as if she had never really died. I could still see her smile and her glow of kindness that made her beautiful. I had also viewed the memories of being tortured by James and 'the Marauders' as they called their younger selves many more times; so as not to forget to ever let my guard down. Since I had met Hermione all of this had changed. I stopped searching for reasons to live in the past and to view my haunting memories. Instead I started viewing the ones of her she provided me with that apparently I had removed from my head to leave behind for her.

Even though I had no recollection of doing so I was starting to see why I had done it. I had fallen for the young witch. I knew I must have felt it would never be reciprocated because of a few factors. One of them being I was an old man and she was a young beauty just starting her life. Even now I had doubts that my feelings could ever be returned. Although we are a lot closer in this time and the same age we still are just friends. I sighed to myself and pulled my head from the pensieve to insert the memory of the first time I had ever met the brown eyed bushy haired know-it-all. I smiled to myself at how persistent and smart she was but also frowned at what a snarky bastard I had become to deny a student privilege of knowledge just because of their house. She didn't appear to even be young Harry's friend in their first class as she stuck her nose up at his lack of know-how raising her arm so high in the air she was surely to come out of her seat.

When I finally came back up for another memory there was a knock on my door. Granted it was near six in the morning I had doubts that it would be Hermione as she liked to sleep in when students weren't about the castle. I closed and warded my memory cabinet proceeding to the door. I opened it slowly but was surprised to see the man on the other side. Remus Lupin had met me many times with Dumbledore to fix up his monthly medicine but never had he come to my chambers alone. I raised an eyebrow as he smiled and offered his hand. I grew slightly suspicious but shook it as a gesture of good faith.

"Good morning Severus do you mind if we sit and chat for a bit?" Remus asked trying to sound like he wasn't a bit nervous. I decided it wouldn't hurt to let him in as he undoubtedly would never try to attack me in my own chambers. That would be very stupid and deadly on his end. I opened the door wider for him to enter.

"Lupin. Might I ask why you are here so early in the morning by yourself?" I asked genuinely curious and slightly annoyed. He nodded his head seating himself by the fire.

"Well Dumbledore asked if I would do the honors." At this I grew suspicious again as anything Dumbledore had someone else do wasn't usually without certain results...normally the kind of results that don't end well. I straightened myself and opened the door back up.

"You can tell Dumbledore that I do not need nor do I want anything other than to be left to my own devices." I held my arm out pointing to the corridor waiting for Remus to leave but he just sat there with his head on his hand.

"Severus please just hear me out." I pinched the bridge of my nose closing my eyes. I had a feeling I was going to regret this. I closed the door joining Remus by the fire.

"Okay now that I have your attention. Dumbledore wanted me to do the honors of welcoming you into the Order. He thinks that you will make the perfect addition as we will no doubt need your help in the future. Now you don't have to give an answer right away but Dumbledore as well as I both hope you will think it over with careful consideration." Remus stood up patting me on the shoulder leaving me shocked and in awe. He bid me good day leaving as quietly as he had entered.

Time Traveling to You (Snamione) #TheWattys2019Where stories live. Discover now