Chapter 13 : Part 2 to chapter 12

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Hermione's POV

As we walked through Hogsmeade Severus became very proper and looped my arm with his. It was very endearing to have someone watching out for you especially when you were technically not from that time. Severus took me into a bookstore. Ironically it happened to be the one I had met Remus and Lucius in for the first time. I remember the owner mentioning Severus to Lucius when I overheard them talking before Christmas. I believe her name was Clarissa something. She was pleasant to her customers for a Slytherin graduate but if Lucius showed any interest in her I wonder what type of witch she was. As we started looking through books I noticed Severus watching me.

"Have I got something in my hair?" I said cautiously touching my head and frowning.

"No. You just seem very content around books even when speaking about them." He smiled down at me and continued to look for more with me. I couldn't help but grin to myself to the thought of him noticing what made me content.

"By the way if you happen to find something you like let me know, my treat to you." I started to protest but if I had then he would just insist more until I gave in. Funny how that reminded me sort of the Weasley twins. I noticed him looking rather intently out the shop window but when I turned to look there was no one there. 'He's probably just thinking about something Hermione no need to get all flustered and worried.' I sighed silently trying to focus on the books on the shelf when two books finally caught my eye in a tall glass cabinet.

The Effects of Amortentia or Love: What Is Real and What Is Fabrication? By: Angelina Petrifous, and A Deep Understanding of Potions and the Magic Within Them By: Beaufort Silzner. 'Wow I bet Severus would like that one.' Then I remembered Severus's birthday was coming up. He had said he would treat me to anything I wanted without ever having mentioned his birthday. I felt slightly saddened because I know no one had ever thrown him any type of party for any reason. I'm not sure how he would feel about celebrating his birthday and a surprise party with the other staff members involved was definitely out of the question. He had changed a bit from future bitter and sour Severus but not that much. I decided to point the Amortentia book out as it pertained to our little research project that began after the Christmas party. However, while he went to the counter to purchase it I got the other book out quickly and told him I had to ask Clarissa something so he could wait outside after he was done.

Severus's POV

I can't believe she picked out a book that pertains to our research rather than one she really would like to have. She definitely has her priorities in order I suppose. I rounded the corner to the shop counter and rang the bell on the counter. Shortly after a pretty young woman walked out and her face got bright.

"Severus! What brings you here!?" Clarissa squealed smiling.

"Hello Clarissa it is nice to see you as well. I would like to purchase this book." I held up the book handing it to her and she looked at me questioningly.

"I'm having the sixth years research things for Amortentia as no doubt they will be brewing some come time for Valentine's Day. Although, I enjoy their failure I'd rather avoid accidents in my classroom." I said trying to get her to move on. Apparently she thought nothing of it.

"Severus this book is very pricey are you sure you want to buy it and not just borrow it for a while?" She said concerned.

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