Chapter 12 The Effects of Amortentia, A New Friend and an Enemy All In One Day?

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Hermione's POV

I rolled over in bed debating on whether or not to get up and be productive. Last night had been full of fun and excitement. Enough so to tire me out for a good while. The party turned out really well until Lucius showed up and ended our night rather soon. However, I had gotten to witness a whole different side of Severus I never knew existed beneath the rough exterior. I had always known he was a kind man underneath but never a hopeless romantic too. 

I smiled to myself remembering the kiss under the mistletoe we had shared but I was still very curious about the pink light and the stinging shock in my lips after the kiss. Severus had said it put out some of the same effects as Amortentia which struck me as very odd. Amortentia is the strongest love potion known and can be very dangerous but to compare that to a seemingly abnormal phenomenon is more than a big assumption of sorts.

I sighed rolling over and closing my eyes once more. Then no more than a few seconds later there was knocking on my door. I groaned to myself trying to ignore it but it just continued to grow louder. I threw my pillow at the door and it made a loud thud.

"Go away I'm sleeping!" I yelled grumpily at the door putting my head beneath the remainder of my pillows. I heard a click signaling me someone had opened and closed my door. I didn't feel like looking to see who it was so I just laid still beneath my covers and pillows.

"Hermione are you in there?" A velvety voice said. Of course I recognized it immediately as Severus.

"Noo...," I replied slowly. I heard a sigh and took a peek out from under my pillows. Severus was staring at me in amusement and smiling broadly.

"What are you so happy about so early in the morning?" I asked him genuinely intrigued. In reply all he did was sit on my bed and crisscross his legs like a teenager. I was glad he looked so happy. It made him look his age again rather than a worn out middle aged man. I crawled closer laying my head on his lap. He was always so warm except for his hands which were cool as ice. They felt wonderful as he played with my locks of hair. Almost putting me back to sleep he stopped suddenly and finally spoke.

"I am happy because I shared the most wonderful time of my life with the most beautiful witch I've ever met last night." He began to smile more with a hint of blush creeping up his cheeks. I hugged him around his waist and inhaled his waistcoat. He smelled of potions, parchment paper, mint toothpaste, and freshly mown grass. 'Hermione that is the smells you smelled in the Amortentia your sixth year.' I looked up at Severus a look of shock on my face. Could he really have been the one I belonged with all this time? Could my love for him have been real during my school years? I started to blush and looked away trying to hide it I stretched giving out a yawn.

"Last night was indeed a great night. We should go to social events more often." I took a peek at him to gauge his reaction but he still looked happy as a clam.

He nodded but seemed almost hesitant about the idea. That didn't surprise me as Severus was never that social to begin with. Then it dawned on me, we never got to share our dance.

"Severus?" I said looking up at him.

"Hm?" He asked with curiosity.

"I'm sorry we never did get to dance last night. Perhaps the next event we may be able to." I studied his face but the only difference in his happy-go-lucky demeanor was the beet red face. He grinned at me but nodded in agreement.

Time Traveling to You (Snamione) #TheWattys2019Where stories live. Discover now