1| i'm sorry, i had to go (after you)

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"Stop trying to kill me, Marshall!" He yells at me. I gasp a little, only because. . the truth is. I don't want to kill him, I don't want to embarrass him, I don't want to steal his girlfriend. I don't want to hurt him. Never.

He's heaving. Panting and anger is filled in his eyes, I think I can see red. I couldn't take it anymore. I turned my heel and started to walk. I dragged my left leg because it was limpy. Blame Cake for shoving me off the bleachers.

"Where are you going?!" He calls. Nowhere.

"Come back here!" Maybe somewhere.

"You coward! Stop running away from me!" Away from you? I wish I didn't have to.

" You're just like your mother!" Always running away from her problems!" I halt. I grabbed the collar of his shirt.
I don't want to hurt him.
I gripped it hard.
I don't want to embarrass him.
I looked at him.
Lavender eyes. Lavender eyes that stared right into my red ones.
"I am nothing like my mother and you fucking don't know anything! You don't fucking know me, Gumball!" I yelled then I dropped my voice. "You think you know that this is what I want, but it's not. I . . I don't know what I want."

He touched my cheek and wiped the tears that fell. I didn't even realized I was crying. He held my face and made me look at him. "What do you want then?"

"What do you want, Marshall?" He asks again. "I . . I . . want you to be safe from me." Then I did what I really want to do since 1st year. I kissed him. For a good second then ran away from him.


I want to look back. I didn't look back.


"Marshall!" I called out to him. I wanted to see him but he ran away.
Oh man, he ran away.
I touched my lips where he kissed me with great passion and what's that feeling on the pit of your stomach? Maybe it's just digestion?
I shook my head, I .. I need him back.
So I ran. Calling his name. "Marshall! Marshall Lee!" I was out in the pitch now. I looked around, nobody's here but the field and the little droplets of rain.
I surged through the Woods. "Marshall! Are you here? Marshall! Come on, answer me!" I keep calling and walking. This is my fault but he's a jerk; this is my fault, but he keeps trying to kill me; this is my fault but he wants to embarrass me.

"This is my fault but you keep trying to hurt me!" Something moved on the trees. It dropped from the branch and steadied itself on the trunk of the tree. " Marshall . . ?"
"I'm not . . I'm not trying to hurt you, Gumball." he faces me, tears are still falling. "Then what were you trying to do?" I ask. "I-I was trying to keep you away from me. Because. . because . ."
He paused and took a deep breath and breathed out. He smiled a little. "Because I love you.. "

BLOW POP (gumlee and a bunch of shorts) Where stories live. Discover now