7| Strangers

164 8 4

Tea in hand and the daily dew in the other. Sometimes, I wonder if I've grown into the man my father was but I don't think so, I'm more.. different from him and by the different, I mean, I've been eyeing this tall boy by the bus stop. I could see his raven tinted hair drip with the water droplets in the early Sunday morning in London. It was always rainy and I liked it that way.

I didn't know why I was looking but he caught my attention by just standing there under the rain, waiting for the bus that was obviously due for another hour. I wonder if he'd fancy a drink with me or maybe read a book but by his looks, I think he's not the bookworm type. He looked more of rockstar than a nerd like me. Either way, he still seemed very intriguing.

I sipped from the cup of Earl Grey I had in my hand and studied him, debating whether I should go get him or stay here and watch. A little excitement won't hurt, right? I smiled to myself and left my belongings on the table, bringing an umbrella with me. I headed over to the boy who was still looking down and standing in the rain.

As I got closer, his skin was really pale and his eyes glistened with the water. I couldn't tell what color they were until he looked at me. I jumped a little and swallowed the lump in my throat that I realized I was holding in. "P-pardon me.. " He looked at me confused and turned his whole body to face me. "Oui?" Oh, he's french. I huffed and gathered all the information and teachings I had with my french mentor back in middle school. I don't think I remember it but I tried. "Er.. Puis-je savoir pourquoi vous êtes debout sous la pluie?" May I please know why you're standing in the rain? He blinked and chuckled. He had dimples on his cheeks and it was adorable. I don't think a man like him would even have such features on his Greek-god face. "Mm, Parce que j'aime la pluie" Because I like the rain.

He likes the rain too.

I gasped a little and lowered the umbrella I was holding. He eyed the umbrella and shoot his eyes back at me. His beautiful blood red eyes that stood out of this grey day. I looked at him, he looked at me and strangely, I swore I felt his hand hold mine. "You have beautiful eyes.. " he says and he could speak fluent English. Glob, this man is a joke but a good one. I didn't leave eye contact and continued to look at him because from the look he's giving me with his eyes meant something. I gave him the same thing.

He smiled.
I smiled.
"Yours are beautiful too.. "


do you question why it's really short?

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