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"Ugh, don't make me go. Please. I have a thesis defense tomorrow and I'm freaking out!" I honestly didn't want anything to get in my way of defending this country's democracy. I have reviewed the notes countless of times and I have way too many statements than opinions. Which they don't expect usually, that's why it's good. But, I'm freaking out because I lost those other notes I need to review about and now Fionna is making me go to some frat party in the campus.

"Come on, PG! It'll be fun! I swear!" She said enthusiastically, my face cringed. Frat parties. Sure. I turned my back at her and sat down on my desk. I hate fraternities; those people are level two bullies. You think you got over it when high school ended but no, a bunch of meatheads still manage to be idiots even in college, in which they should be taking seriously by now. "No, I am not going, Fionna. End of discussion." I heard her huff and I could feel her eyes burning on the back of my head. I didn't care, I just didn't want to deal with idiots tonight or any night for that matter.

"All right, all right. But, if you change your mind, Marshall's gonna be there." I stopped and I could feel a blush crawling on my face. I bit my lip, I know I can't hesitate on this one. I know this is going to end into a disaster. I know that he would never even, just a little, hit it up on me. Atleast that's what Fionna thinks. "He likes you, Bubbs! You can totally see it in his eyes!" Then again, Fionna always took things so lightly and positively. I groaned, feeling defeated.

"Get dressed, Bubbs!" Why did she have to say his goddamn sexy ass name?


Ugh, typical. The frat house was booming pulsating, party music. A bunch of drunk ass boneheads are making out on the lawn, with half of their clothes already torn off from their skin. It wasn't any wonder how or why they would do that because it was way too obvious..

..and there goes LSP, twirling his shirt again against some boy's naked torso.

I rolled my eyes, burned from how typical this all was. It honestly made me sick inside, not the way I would barf at any moment but it just made a whole impression of distaste at the pit of my stomach. It was quiet distasteful, I have to say. I sighed and followed Fionna into the frat house filled with neon lights and loud pulsating EDMs. The vibe going in the house was electric, it explains clearly how everybody was grinding on each other. I felt it too, I felt absolutely electric.

Fionna pulled me into the kitchen where stacks and stacks of booze were laid across the countertop. I took one out and wrinkled my nose. "I'll be out having some fun with Cake over there. You- you do whatever Bobby Gumballs do in a frat party." I didnt't even have to answer because from the start, I knew she would leave me; then again, I had a reason to why I was here. I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling quiet vexatiously dopey from what I had in mind. I didn't even noticed I was already walking outside because of my mind's countless  blabbering, repeatedly pounding in my head. "O-oh, um, okay! Fin-" Her sentence cut off. Fionna's voice was already drowned by the crowd, hooting and dancing to the beat of the music.

I sighed, unsure of the thoughts I had in mind. My mind was rambling, it was exploding of thoughts about my thesis defense, my grades, why I was here, why I even bothered coming here when all I could ever have done was study and be a fucking lonely ass piece of shit. I didn't even notice I was already outside the house's backyard, and of course, they had a pool.

Of course there were hot boys lingering with their shirts off.

Of course they were wet to their toes.

Of fucking course, I'm gay.

I sighed, sitting down at the lounge chairs and whined at my own disappointment. Great, all I can ever fucking do is just stare at these boys and whine about it. Just fucking great.
I looked around and noticed that there were a pile of girls and boys sorrounding a table. "Lick his dick! Lick his dick!" They all chanted and I being sort of desperate despite my diplomatic stance, trudged forward. Very curious of what was happening.

Everybody was quiet tall and it had to give me the privelage to tip toe and-

Holy shit.

I gulped, but my throat felt dry. I felt every muscle in my body tense up and my heart trying to burst out of it's cage. I couldn't breathe for a moment, everything just stopped and my mind was bursting into excessive thoughts.

The sigh of Marshall Lee half naked and his body filled with the mixture of sweat and alcohol is quiet alarming. No, screw that. I'm fucking shook. I only have seen Marshall half naked because he and I are in the same fencing class but this was too much. No, not too much. More than too much. I couldn't  help but stare, my demeanor falling out of me. I felt sluttish somehow, I wanted to get in on that; I wanted to be the one licking that toned body of his.

"Hey, Marshall! Look who's next!" One shouted and pushed me forward. He looked up at  me and he seemed to stop for a second, I didn't even seemed to notice at all whatever the hell was happening. I was too strucked to even think straight. "So.. it's your turn, Gummy?" His low voice gave me shivers, running down my spine. I could feel his hooded stare at me but I didn't want to look at him because I might break into a heart attack, looking at those auburn orbs of his. "M-me?" I stuttered. Wait, am I actually going for this? The boys cheered and stripped off my pink sweater. I was toned but I'm not ripped as Marshall- I mean look at those fucking abs!

Marshall chuckled and stood up, looming over me. I could feel the heat radiating between our naked torsos. I didn't even felt bothered by the fact that some random boys stripped my sweater off and Marshall is keeping me warm on this cold night. Sort of. "Well then, let me show you a good time on this fine night." He started to pour the cold vodka on my shoulder down, I could feel it drip down and seep into my jeans. Marshall held my arms up gently. I felt his tounge on my neck, licking gently. I couldn't help but moan softly through his ear. "Gumball.. hush.." I didn't need to comply because everyone was already cheering and hooting so loudly, moans could be drowned by it.

He layed me down the table and poured the whole bottle on my body. I watched him climb on top of me, his eyes feigning to be fed. I saw hunger and a tinge of lust. I smelled the stench of alcohol in his mouth. He probably would not remember this but fucking hell, his tounge against my skin, sucking gently felt so damn  good. His hand reached up my growing ache. "Aren't you hard, hm?"

"Lick his dick! Lick his dick!" They all shouted once again and I was wishing it to happen. His lips traveled lower to my abdomean and onto my pants. I gripped on his hair tightly, bracing myself from what might he do to me.

"Marshall Lee Abadeer!" A womanly voice shouted. Marshall stopped and fell off the table, peeking up the table. "Marshall! You come here and explain this all to me right now!" I propped myself on my elbows and Marshall looked at me with a red face, even his ears were red.

"Your mom?" He sighed. "Yeah."

Note: Am I bad at this? I feel like I'm bad at writing. Okay, okay, leave a comment of what you think. Next short is about- oops!

PS. I should give you guys smuts really, shouldn't I? ;-; Again, leave a comment.

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