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"You are such a fucking nuisance."
"Tell me something I don't know." You moved around the compacted cabin, it wasn't much space and I was already cramping in there with you. It was cramped, disgusting, and it reeked of excess cum shots. But god, did it reeked of your obnoxious feels. I rolled my eyes and jerked my elbow on your stomach. "Stop moving!" You elbowed me but it was too below the belt, it hurt. God, it hurt. Fuck you. "You stop moving! It was your fault for pushing me in here!" You squirmed around, I was already bending my whole arm, one more move and I could really damage it. "If you could've just said you wanted a blow job then I would've complied!" This was disguting to hear but it was you. It was you who was disgusting anyway, I hate you, but I love you. You and your stupid hair, your stupid eyes, your stupid smile that made myself feel so fucking stupid for you. "If you weren't such a stuck up posh brat then I wouldn't be having a boner right now because I can literally feel your fucking dick on mine!- Move, nerd!" You pushed me aside and that was it, I sprained my elbow. Yelping out, I kicked you back, but our positions changed. You were quiet surprised and who could blame you, the small cabin tipped over and I can barely move on top of you. You were liking the whole position anyway, what could possibly be any better than you and me, in the middle of the woods, in a small logged cabin, tipped over and possibly grinding on each other at a summer night? "Ma-" Was I dreaming? Did I just hear a woodland song? Or am I feeling your 16 year old lips on my own?

It was definitely a woodland song.

Oh shit, it's not. It's was just your grunts and moans. My eyes widen, the back of my head hitting the top and freckled cheeks filled with a red tint. Who could save me?
Who could rescue me?
Who could be a mighty knight for me?
My eyes searched and searched but it just landed on yours. Those clear eyes that bore in my soul, telling me bullshit I would never believe but I still did. It was probably because you're stupid, I'm stupid.


Just fucking.. s t u p i d.


I liked your stupidity. It made me feel like I wasn't alone to think I was fucking stupid myself.
Tell me who you are.
I'll tell you my secrets.

"Oh shit.. I just kissed a nerd."

I breathed. I kissed a nerd too.

"Do you want that blow job now?"


my thoughts exactly as of now 3:15 PM

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