Ch. 47 The unstoppable TEAM FOSTER KEEFE and Tam?

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Mk, you'll can hate on me for adding some Fitz action the last few times but other wise things get.... BORING! (At least that's my thought)

Sophie's POV

"ATTENTION!" Ediline called from the living room where everyone was standing or sitting. We are splitting you up in rooms that we would like to call teams. Each Team will share a room and compete against each other in the competitions.

"Did I hear competition?" Keefe said with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Yes, yes, yes! I was getting to that so shh" Ediline replied. After regaining her composer and searching for something on her clip board she continued

"As I was saying since the're is a odd number of you, Dex has offered to help use his tecnopathic skills to help add a spin on competition meaning he gets his own room. Stop glaring at him! Now I'll assign you your rooms and you'll see we made your beds to your individual liking and added photos posters etc based on what we know about you and we had an architecteopath (architect-eo-path) help along with some guidance from an empath(not Keefe).  Compitions begin tomorrow, all read off your groups in a minute. Any questions? No? Ok good, your groups are..... Tam, Sophie, and Keefe the other is Biana, Linh, and Fitz. Think of a group name in one minute then figure out your room without stepping into the other groups. Dex yours is at the end of the hall with the sign that says 'Master Technopath' on it."

Tam's POV

So, I'm in a room with these two hooligans? I mean one hooligan, Sophie's ok in my book but Keefe?! Really!? I'd so be up to trade with Keefe and be with Biana.... and Linh. Though maybe it's best I'm not knowing Linh has a blabber mouth and such and so.

"So" I started flipping my bangs out of my eyes "Any ideas?"

Sophie pondered for a moment "None good" She mumbled with a shrug.

"Me neither" I replied

"Don't worry I gotcha covered cuz this head is full of idea!" Keefe said tapping the top of his head

"Your heads also full of gel" I murrmerd with an eye roll

"Tam" Keefe said walking closer to me "Did you just insult THE HAIR ?!" And with that he grabbed me around the middle pinning my arms to the side and noogied me with his free hand

"ACK SOPHIE HELP ME" I screamed hoping she would come to my aid, she jumped on keefe's back and scrammbled so she was sitting on his shoulders and ruffled The Hair.

"SOPHIE YOU TRAITOR!" Keefe joked.

While he was distracted I tried to make a dive for one of the plush gray couches, I did end up sprawled on the couch but keefe still had a death grip on me so he was yanked fowards with a teetering Sophie on his shoulders.

"KEEFE HELP I'M GOONA FALL" She shouted holding onto his head for dear life.

I wriggled free just in time to see her slip off and fall backwards. I sprinted to catch her but my bangs got in my eyes and I ended up falling on my face.

"Ow" I groaned when Sophie fell and landed on my back "Get off... OW FASTER YOUR BUTT IS BONY!!!"

"Tam" Keefe said with a smirk "Why you talkin' about Foster's butt?"

"I-I ugh hate you Keefe" I grumbled shooting daggers at him while Sophie laughed her head off.

Ediline gave us an amused look "Name?"

And before anyone could say a word Keefe shouted
"THE UNSTOPPABLE TEAM-FOSTER-KEEFE ... And Tam" before grabbing both of our wrists and sprinting up the stairs to our room.

Love ya'll thanks for reading!



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