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It's your choice to read this or not if you don't like it, you can stop reading it...some parts will be very hard to get through since they contain harsh punishment as pack life dictate.

Trigger warnings...just remember it's the world they live, in the shades of Grey where there are two sides to everything.

Thank you!

Thanks for taking the time and reading. I own this story no part can be reproduced without my permission. 

Meela's POV

The white clouds hang swollen, heavy in the sky, their underbellies darkening with a storm's promise. No breeze noted in the air, just an eerie stillness descends over the group of survivors.

The forest floor is a sea of blood. Bodies litter the earth and death hangs heavy in the air.

My anger is felt deep down to my core, but I have a hard time showing it. The sight of my den mates fallen on the ground, frozen in death, is soul shattering.

Our war is won against the Far South, but at what cost? Our causalities are high, and now we owe tribute to the northerners for their assistance in our time of need.

The Far South Uprising have been put down. It took both packs working together to achieve this feat.

Watching from the far side of the clearing as my brother, Alpha to the Southern pack, discusses something with the Northern leader.

He is a fit Alpha, this Northern leader, just on the threshold of his prime. He fought like a man possessed, and no man could stand in his way. It was like watching art unfold before your eyes, I couldn't look away. I was drawn to him, to the way his body moves, the shifting of his muscles as he battled, the way his face was rigid in concentration. I knew in that moment what he was to me.

There is no love lost between our packs. Bringing them here was a necessary evil. We were outnumbered, facing annihilation.

We had no choice left.

The Old Ways dictated that tribute has to be paid for their services. It's up to the Northern leader to decide what he deems fair for the lives lost today. The usual payment would be land. All packs covet land. Some may demand women. Any unmated females above the age of twenty-five might be forced to mate with the older unmated males.

The Northerners are known for the way they hold onto the old customs, their fierceness in battle, and the great expanse of land they hold.

The light wind starts to gently blow, causing the leaves above me to rustle the forest awake.

With the shift in the wind, the Northern leader tosses his head in the air, inhaling deeply and a powerful growl bellows from his chest. Slowly, with the grace of a predator, he turns to face me.

He is like a wild animal, cutting down anything that gets's in his path towards me.

His icy gaze paralyzes me, holding me hostage. All I can do is watch. I try to will myself to walk away, to move, to take myself to safety.

I'm firmly rooted to the spot, heavy legs anchoring me down.

His eyes are baptized in colors of silver and deep grey and the closer he gets to me, the more vibrant they become.

Thick fingers grab the back of my neck. He pulls my face towards him, his nose a fraction of an inch from mine. Staring me in the eyes, he makes one thing perfectly clear: "You're mine."

Intense silver-grey eyes connect with my golden-yellow ones, both of our emotions mirroring the other's: disbelief, surprise, attraction, lust, the last is mine...fear.

I think my jaw falls slightly open before I snap it shut. His deep grey eyes penetrate my skin as he looks me up and down, his gaze hot and burning on my exposed skin, causing goosebumps to ascend. A soft caress runs the length of my spine as the tips of his fingers dig into the base of my neck.

My limbs feel boneless as I fight to stay on two feet. This is too much for my body to take, his presence too dominating for my wolf.

If I was in true form, I would be belly up with my neck exposed to him. The rush of blood swooshing in my ears makes it hard to think. All I can smell from him is his wild north forest scent mingled with the sweet taste of lust.

Dark brown hair with natural highlights that slightly curled at the ends has my fingers itching to grab hold of it, to bring him closer to me. I curl my hands into fists, concentrating on my breathing. He's the most magnificent male I've ever seen, in the most masculine way possible.

Feeling myself being slowly turned around as the Northern leader calls out in a rough voice, "Who is responsible for this female?"

Confusion scrunches my face as my brother strides forward, his powerful footsteps audible above the wind. All eyes are on us, some curious, others, especially from his pack, shocked. You can tell by their round, wide eyes and mouths hanging slightly open.

"I speak for her." The edge in my brother's voice isn't missed by the Northern leader.

He takes a slightly crouched position, muscles coiled to spring. Both start to posture to one another, each sizing the other up with aggression.

"Who is she to you?" His fingers dig a little deeper into my flesh.

"My sister." My brother's eyes stare directly into the other alpha's...challenging him.

The Northern alpha's fingers slightly relax their hold, his body loosening up.

"I claim her as Tribute. She will be brought back to my lands, where she will be taken in the Old Way and become my mate." Little doubt is left with his demand.

From the corner of my eyes, I see his pack mates shifting into fighting form, his lustful smell turning into aggression. It was a smell full of Alpha testosterone...terrifying.

"Grey." My brother pauses, briefly contemplating his choice of words. I see his mind turning, a desperate look in his eyes.

"She's not gone into her first heat yet, she can't be claimed. Surely, you follow the Old Ways, you know this already."

Breathing a sigh of relief, visibly relaxing. A loop hole. My brother's a genius. I smile widely and the Alpha notices my joy.

"If she doesn't come willingly, then I demand all your pack's lands in Tribute for the deaths of my den mates. That is my demand." Sharp intakes of breath can be heard. It's his right to ask and get this reward.

Defeat is the first emotion that flickers across my brother's face. He knows he's been bested. Turning to me he says, "It's your choice, Meela."

My choice. Give up all our lands or go willingly. I have no choice...

"I'll go with him." My voice cracks with sorrow as my world comes crashing down around me.

Finally, the storm that had threatened earlier unleashes its torrent of rain and we go running for shelter.

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