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This will be a fight for dominance that should have happened at the very beginning. I should have done this at the first thought of dissension from her.

Lunging over the table I don't wait, I attack to show her wolf that I am much more. I'm going to make her wolf bow down, tuck tail and submit to me.

There is only one Luna in this pack, and she's not it. I feel sorry for her, but this is needed, she cannot continue with this behavior, and I cannot let this behavior continue. It would weaken my status in the pack like a malignant cancer spreading its disease poison that will slowly erode my status, and I will not let that happen, I've been through too much for that to happen.

Shifting from skin to fur I quickly lunge for her, chairs toppling over with our fighting forms rolling over one another, snapping and growling at one another.

Her wolf looks rabid, ears pulled back tight over her head, baring her teeth in aggression, letting out a menacing snarl she goes for my underbelly trying to rake her claws against the delicate flesh.

I go for her neck clamping down just enough to show her I could have ended her if I wanted, I'm toying with her confidence. I back away from her growling but still she continues to push forward, not backing down yet. Her darkness has overtaken her threatening my very survival.

Canines latch onto my shoulder digging in deep, sinew and tissue exposed with the bite. I whimper slightly with the pain, my eyes meeting her challenge, and so begins our dance for power.

Circling each other growling, our teeth showing each other what pain and misery we could inflict on the other. I could end her if I wanted, my wolf wants to make an example out of her, and there's a strong pull in that direction.

It's my right, she challenged me, her Luna and I have a right to end her if I want to.

Looking towards Thomas with my eyes drunk with the lust for blood, of dominance, of power. He see's it, understands what my Nature is wanting. He begs for Sophie to stop, pleads with her to stand down. He's in agony, his face contorted with grief for his mate. The northerner is behind Thomas holding him back, talking in his ear.

I see the fine muscles in Sophie's hind legs twitch with movement before she lunges, giving me enough time to catch her in the air. I latch onto her neck putting my full weight on her. She's unable to hold my weight as her legs crumple under her. I continue to hold her neck as she continues to growl and snarl her protests. I apply more pressure to her neck causing her blood to mix with my saliva.

The darkness that consumes Sophie has me in its grip, it's slowly threatening to take over, swirling around my body, ready to destroy my mind in its lustful madness.

I want to give into this feeling, it would be so easy to just clamp down and rip the life away from her. The Wilds sing song voice starts to caress and purr to my wolf's Nature to finish her. The feeling to destroy our challenger is on a primal level that my wolf understand completely.

Trembling I try resisting the urge to act on our instincts, I try resisting the urge to give into the animal's wants. I put just a little more pressure on her neck causing a yelp from her. My full weight pressing her into the floor I growl my rage out as Thomas struggles to get out of Grey's restraints.

A subtle shift starts to happen I can hear it the way Sophie's growls are becoming less heartfelt, less aggressive.

Still, I have my teeth clamped on her throat snarling my rage at her. Whimpers now pour like tears from her throat, one after the other, she's unable to stop. I clamp harder causing her blood to pool underneath her, soaking into her fur.

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