Tribute POV Grey

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Grey POV

Smelling the death and blood my wolf urges me forward, demanding more, wanting more.

He's always pushing me harder, demanding things, never satisfied with what we have. The feel of my muscles engorged with the exertion from battle. Never have I felt so powerfully, completely losing myself to my nature felt like I was actually living for the first time since her.

Growling at the Southern Alpha sizing him up and down, nodding to Thomas to start what we really have come for....his land.

Watching as my warriors slowly circle around his warriors, he has no idea what is coming for him, I'm going to take all of this from him, my teeth want to descend from the thought of it.

Facing the Alpha, stepping up to him, puffing myself up. Sizing up his strength. "What are you doing Grey." His voice not really believing what his eyes are starting to tell him.

Bryon starts to scan the position of my warriors singling to his what's about to happen. Before I can get a word out I smell her, my wolf has me trying to shift into fighting form as I scan the field, searching for what belongs to me.

The deep growl that bellows out of my chest even surprises me as my wolf tries to claim what is his. All I see is her standing there, everything else fades away, all I see is her.

It's in her eyes, she knows what I am to her, how long has she known this and my anger rises with this thought. Walking towards her daring her to move just one inch away from me, my wolf ascending slightly as I fight with my nature not to claim her now in front of everyone. Almost losing control for a second as my fingers touch her flesh.

Pull her face towards me as her scent invades my body. Looking at her in the eyes I make one thing perfectly clear "you're mine." Watch her emotions filter through her the last has me smelling her fear of me. I can't help but to take her form in, the way her full hips beg to be grabbed, her full chest has my hands aching to ripe off her shirt for a better view. Her hair cascading over her shoulders falling down her back. Never have I thought this way about another female, not even Victoria.

Reaching out grabbing her roughly by the neck, it's all I can do not to sink my teeth into her. Instead, I turn her around demanding to see if a male will fight me for her...hoping someone will step up to me so I can show her what I can be.

"Who is responsible for this female." Watching the Alpha's long aggressive gait come towards us. I'm going to tear his throat out, anger's starting to roll through my body, gripping onto her neck harder that I should.

"Who is she to you?"

"My sister," he says this aggressively with his own challenge.

Relaxing my hold on her slightly as I single my warriors to start getting in their fighting form. "I claim her as Tribute, she will be brought back to my land, where she will be taken in the Old <way and become my mate."

"Grey," he says this with desperation looking at his sister.

"She has not gone through her first heat yet, she can't be claimed, surely you follow the Old Ways, you know this already." I watch the arrogant male smirk, his sister relaxes in my grip as she visibly smiles which makes her look beautiful...mine is all I can think about.

"If she doesn't come willingly with me then I demand all your pack lands in Tribute for the death of my den mates, that is my demand." I can hear the gasps, the intake of air, smell the disbelief and defeat in the air which only makes me feel stronger.

"I'll go with him." Her voice is a caress to my body and I have to hold myself still from the affect she has on me.

Her sorrow does something to my heart, it makes me feel sympathy towards her and I'm not used to that emotion.

That's a weakness I don't want to feel.

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