My Weakness/His Strength

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Keen eyes watch him enter the bedroom. It was late at night, the air was still and the deep thick silence blanketed my ears.

I was waiting for him to come to me, unable to relax until I could see him... feel him. My wolf whined in my head for him. It's an uncomfortable feeling to want to be close to him and it's slightly disturbing.

There is an inability to take my eyes off him, appraising him up and down, my back against the headboard, hands folded calmly in my lap.

He stands in front of me, his scent starting to turn, changing into a deep, meaty flavor, full of the testosterone raging through his veins, filling him out on a physical level. The Moon's pull prepares his body for the final phase in our heat cycle, making him very alluring to all my senses, especially sight and smell.

Inhaling him into my lungs, bringing his pheromones deep into me. It's on a primal level. Yet, my body's throbbing with emotions I'm not used to feeling for him.

I watch as his fingers brush the stray hairs away from my face. Without saying a word, he kisses me quickly. I don't pull away from him. In fact, I'm trying to push my lips harder against his before he pulls away.

"You're still up?" He's surprised that he hasn't found me asleep.

"I couldn't sleep." I'm uncomfortable again with these new feelings swarming around my head.

Somehow, someway, he managed to put a deep crack in the armor I'm wearing for self-preservation. Little by little, he's been peeling it off me, piece by piece, leaving me feeling extremely... vulnerable.

I eye the male before me. "You are becoming my weakness." I shake my head with these terrifying feeling he's giving me.

He smiles at my words. "I thought the same thing, too."

I lift my eyebrow up to him questioning. "But you don't think that anymore?" My heart starts beating a little faster in my chest, doubts swarming, hissing their insecurities at me.

His fingers lift my chin upwards. "I'm not sure when it happened..." He places a quick comforting kiss on my lips, one that I needed. Pulling back, he smiles again at me, eyes blazing with happiness. "I realize you're becoming my greatest strength."

As I place a gentle kiss against his claim, hot electric tingles travel throughout my body, settling deep between my parted legs. Moaning at the strong ache inside, I wrap my arms around his strong back, pulling him close to me.

I pull my head away from him, the honey talk affecting me to my core. His eyes penetrate my soul. He's being sticky sweet, but deep down, he's still the wild man from the north. The Alpha who's will I bend to, my tail forever curled between my legs in submission towards him.

He's a very dangerous male who will easily turn against me with the slightest infraction towards him. As long as I tow the line, I will have his smoothness. One toe out of line and I will meet his hardness.

He growls deep, his chest vibrating the way my wolf likes it... dominating.

Pulling me down on the bed, he presses himself against me, nipping and placing little kisses against my neck, feeding into my growing compulsions. He knows how hard it is to fight against them.

Forcefully, he kisses my lips, biting my lower lip, pulling it away from me. His tongue enters my mouth and I immediately slide mine against it. We groans out in bliss.

He presses his mouth harder against mine, controlling every aspect of the kiss, maintaining his natural dominance. I stand no chance against this, my hormones fully surging in my blood as he brings waves of desire crashing against my resolve.

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