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Meela's POV

Watching the pinks, purples, and yellows the sunrise paints against the lightening morning sky. Sleep was not my friend last night. The slow burn of the collar was too uncomfortable. The fur around my neck is already matted down. Soon, it will be gone, leaving nothing but red, raw skin. I know exactly what's going to happen, I've seen it countless times.

My parents, and now my brother, did this countless times with aggressive wolves to break their spirit, break their fight. I never had to be collared. My parents always gave me special treatment, above everyone else. Now, this northerner treats me like every other wolf. I'm not like them. I was born of better rank.

Stretching my limbs, I give my neck a good scratch with my hind leg. I start to pace the length of the chain. Before long, I'll wear a path into the grass. He's treating me like a naughty child in need of a time out. Unfortunately for him, I'm not a child.

I can tell the Northerner is watching me, seeing his silhouette at times in the upper right window. It gives me a chance to bare my teeth at him, bristling my fur up. Stomping the path I'm walking on, I give him a proper show of rebellion.

It's peaceful in the early hours of the day, the birds chirping their morning singsong. The freshness of the air feels right in my lungs. Not a car could be heard in the background. My wolf can't wait to be let loose to run these woods, hunt for game.

The back door opens. I drop my head low, pull my ears back and crouching, my eyes track the northerner carrying two bowls.

"I trust you slept well last night." His eyes flick to my neck, knowing too well I didn't.

Thumping my tail in response...agitated.

"I have some food and water for you." He kneels as he places the dishes on the ground.

Taking advantage of the moment, lunging for him and almost nip him on the nose. He pulls the dishes away from me.

"It looks like you don't eat today. This behavior will not be tolerated. Understand already, little puppy."

Barking my rage at him, wishing I could properly cuss him out. Little puppy? I'll show him little puppy! Pulling at my chain and trying to break free only causes the collar to dig into my skin. A hot burn wraps around my neck, stopping me in my tracks. I whimper with the pain. His eyes of a dull grey watch me. That's sadness seeping out. Dull grey equals sadness. Another thing I learn about him.

"It's all about choices. You behave badly, you don't eat, you behave nicely, you get to eat."

Taking my food and water, he dumps it out and walks away from me. My stomach growls in protest as I lay down with my head on my front paws, watching the back of the house.

Mid-morning approaches with several pack members going to the packhouse, all dressed in black, with solemn faces on. Passing by me, most look confused, others curious. The unmated females walk by snickering, mumbling under their breaths low enough for me not to hear. I hate them already. One passes by with a look of hate so profound on her face, I tilt my head up trying to scent her. It's a very soft subtle flowery scent I've smelt before. I try to place it.

She stops in front of me. She could've been a beautiful girl with her long, sun-kissed hair, crystal blue eyes, and curvy body. The thing that ruined it was the slightly broad nose turned up at the tip that gave her a mildly piggish look. I'll nickname her piggy. I give her a low growl. I don't appreciate the look she is giving me. I'll deal with her when I'm free of this collar. Female to female...violence.

My wolf agrees fully with the hurt I want to inflict on her.

Giving me a sly smile like she knows a secret I don't, she laughs low to herself in amusement. "You're his mate...not what I was expecting."

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