Late Night Talk

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A familiar ring startles me awake in the middle of the night, its persistent ringing has me reaching the bedside table for the house phone.

"Hello," sleep heavy in my voice.

"Hello," Grey's deep voice has me closing my eyes, pulling the covers over my head.

"Hi," smiling into the darkness, it feels nice to hear his voice in the deep night, it's almost like his voice is wrapping around me in an acoustic blanket it strums and vibrates around me.

"I just wanted to say goodnight before I go to bed, make sure you're okay" his voice is quiet, deep and so soothing.

He's been calling me like this late at night since he's been gone just seeing how I'm doing, updating me on Fin's progress with his ascension.

I find it easier to talk with him this way, sleepy and comfortable in my warm bed. We can talk for hours, it's stress-free without the distraction of the day to complicate things. I think the both of us love our late night first, it was a little awkward but now even the silence has meaning for us.

I'm starting to get comfortable with my feelings towards him, little by little he's changing my mind, my idea of who he is. Everyone see's him as this beast but I can see him without the title, stripped down he's without the need to show dominance...he's perfect.....that's who I like.

"How was your day?" Breathing the words gently out.

"Challenging, we had to make examples of Victoria's beta's and some of her enforcers today," my breath hitches in my throat, those were good males. I could just picture the sight of Fin looking like a King in front of his pack, him immediately dishing out a lethal justice for any perceived challenge.

It would be a time of great unrest for the pack. In the darker days of pack take over the winning Alpha sometimes slaughtered every member of the losing pack, and only keeping the land.

This is the time to rid the pack of all males that even think of offering the slightest thought of resistance to the new Alpha. Any male that does not bow down, tuck tail will be dealt with in the most violent of ways. I could imagine Fin's wolf bathed in the blood of these males, while Victoria is forced to watch and stay silent. She understands that this is the way, she understands what it means to lose an Alpha challenge.

With new leaderships, there is a purge of any signs of descention. There will be challenges for positions, a shuffling of ranking with the combined pack. My gut clenches from the thought of all the blood that's already spilled and will be spilled.

Weed out all the problems, there has to be examples of what happens if you go against the Alpha and I believe those two brothers are showing each and every member what their fate will be like if they step out of line. Again I'm glad that I don't have to witness the horror those examples were made to look like.

"And Victoria, how is she doing?" Part of me doesn't want to hear.

"She's conceded today to Fin publicly in front of her pack," the bile rises again in my throat, I swallow it back down leaving an acidy taste in the back of my throat that slightly burns with its corrosive bite.

The Queen bowing to the new King in front of her pack to witness. I can picture it, her kneeling, head bowed, eyes down...submissive. I wonder how her got her to submit so easily?

His rule is law if you don't agree with his rules then challenge him for the position, it's simple. I have a feeling that after he's done, everyone and everything will fall in line.

"It's bad for her now Meela, half her pack wants to tear her apart the other half already tried. She's being guarded by Fin's betas constantly, she isn't safe...anywhere."

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