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The sound of laughter coming from outside wakes me up. Stretching out before getting up, my back gets too tight if I've been too long in one position, heading towards the door, Thomas is nearly doubled over, laughing so hard, tears slide down his face. He and the Northerner are sitting on the porch with cups of coffee in their hands. Thomas tries to pull himself together when he notices me watching, but he just can't.

It's a good-natured laugh, the kind that has a tendency to pull you along with it, to make the corners of your mouth turn upward in a smile.

"I still can't believe she marked you first!" Thomas clutches his stomach. He's obviously in pain from laughing so hard and trying to keep his coffee from spilling.

From the Northerner's part, he takes the ribbing like a male. Smiling at them, leaning my head against the door frame, watching their easy interaction.

The Northerner's eyes fall on me, looking me up and down, then his eyes wonder back to my smile. He likes the way I look in the morning. Catching his fleeting thoughts of desire and it stirs my stomach with butterflies.

"I made you breakfast. It's on the counter. Why don't you bring it out here and join us?"

Contemplating his offer, not seeing anything wrong with it. Turning around to grab the plate, he's made me a variety of options, from cut up fruit to French toast, with a dusting of powdered sugar on top. He even put the syrup in a little dish on the side.

Bringing breakfast out, deciding to sit with them in the empty chair, looking over the lake. It's quiet in the morning, the mist rising off the still water.

"Hello, Thomas."

"Good morning, Luna." He greets me with respect, bowing his head to me, showing his neck. It takes me by surprise. I thought he would blame me for the loss of his pup, but I can't detect anything hostile or vengeful coming from him.

Balancing the plate in my hand while stabbing a piece of fruit with my fork as the brothers continue to talk. I really don't pay much attention to them. Instead, my focus is on the way the lake looks, so peaceful. A strong urge from my wolf. She wants out. She's restless and wants to stretch her legs to hunt something good.

Placing a piece of the French toast in my mouth. It's good, really good. His eyes are on me, watching my expression, watching every bite I put in my mouth.

It doesn't take me long to finish everything he put on my plate. Standing, he takes the plate from me and brings it into the house.

"How are you doing?" Thomas turns to me giving me all his attention.

"Good," I lied. He can taste it, but it's easier this way. Why go into detail about things that can't be changed?

Warm fingers lightly touch my cheek, as the Northerner's knuckles brush against my jawbone. It's a compulsion that he can't control.

Giving a low, soft growl from deep in my throat. It's without menace, I just don't like him touching me, giving him a glare, he pretends he doesn't see it.

"So, they've made a formal petition to me brother." The Northerner shakes his head sadly. "How many, Thomas?" He spits out, before taking a drink of his coffee.

"Five are issuing challenges. All others know better."

"What's going on?" I blurt out, wanting to be filled in.

Thomas regards me for a moment, "Grey's being challenged for his title."

"Oh." Sipping my coffee.

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