He's Here

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The car ride is not as long as I thought it would be, the mangy mutt driving faster than I'm used too, taking corners on edges.

When entering the Queens territory Victoria becomes a little straighter. A harshness possesses her posturing, even Charlie's sitting straighter while driving, scanning the woods as if thinking an attack could be around the neck ridge.

Opening the glove box Victoria takes a few silver knives out, putting them underneath her shirt in a holster made just for carrying silver.

"Meela, welcome to the Eastern Territory." Victoria does not turn around when saying this instead her gaze is to the wolves that are gathered around the outside of her packhouse. Big males who don't greet her the way my brother's males or even the Northerner's males would. They hold a distinct repulsion in their faces that they don't hide.

A few female wolves with braids that are tight against their heads also wait for their Alpha's return. Except this group doesn't look like it wishes ill towards their Queen.

They are a separate group from most of the older males, standing slightly away from them, giving room, but not conceding space.

"Ready?" Victoria saying to Charlie not me, she just assumes I'm ready.

They get out together and he's quicker than I think wolves can move, standing on her left as if he's a Beta born. Not sure his rank but he's not close to the size of a Beta, but he does not bend his shoulder while standing next to Victoria.

Both of them have heads held high, shoulders back while approaching the big Beta.

"Is everything as I left it?" She asks this of him while he nods his head towards her. She keeps her eyes directly on him until he's the one to look away first. She does this to all the males that we pass by, one after the other she stares them each down as a show stating who she is in this pack.

"This is Luna Meela of the Northern Territory. I expect her to be welcome into my Territory as a visiting guest. The Northern Alpha would be very displeased if his mate was to be made not welcomed and I would take it as a great offense for anything to happen to a guest." She turns on them while Charlie watches her back, before going into the packhouse. Her females follow us in, the males stay outside.

"Please come in, Meela." Charlie sounds gruff while looking at the Beta. A hostile undercurrent of threat from both their posturings before Charlie closes the door tight behind me.

"Would you mind getting Meela's bags from the car?" Victoria's talking easily to a juvenile female who also wears her braids tight in her hair, just like the female who is eying up Victoria in a very odd way, they might be sisters from the look of their facial features. When I pass by this female she takes an inappropriate longer than normal smell of me. Her skin quivers an interanl vibration before she shakes her head clear.

"Meela, come this way. We'll discuss how things will go while you're here." Victoria's strides are even and without hurry. Posture much more relaxed than when outside. She brings me to her office, a map on the wall. A big red line separating the Eastern and Western territories as if there is a resentment to that land.

"Meela please sit." Watching her going into a cabinet, Charlie sits next to me, hunched in his chair. The clothes he has on smells as if he picked them off the floor and has worn them for a few days now. Victoria pours herself a glass of red wine, taking our a bottle of whiskey she pours a glass for Charlie, adding ice from the small fridge that's underneath the small bar in the corner.

Handing it to Charlie, she takes her own wine glass sipping it, "would you like a drink Meela?"

"I wouldn't mind one." Saying this to take the edge off of things. I feel as if I have no time to think about what just happened. One minute I'm in my brother's pack now I am with Victoria.

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