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Meela POV

The wind rattles the window as sheets of rain batter against the window panes of glass. Sitting in my brother's office listening to the two male Alpha's discuss the terms of my bonding. They talk back and forth like I'm nonexistent. I'm trying to keep my emotions in check, head down...submissive.

I feel the way a prisoner must feel. Locked up and having the key thrown away...despair...anger on a level that I have never experienced before.

The Northerner tells my brother how I will be branded to their pack and taken in the Old Way...The proper way.

Horror seeps out of my skin when he gives me a sideway look, gauging my reaction. I'm so close to screaming, to hitting something, I'm so very close to losing my composure.

"What of her skill level, does she have any?" His eyes judge me. I'm boiling mad, struggling to keep my pent up emotions in check. Digging my claws into the chair, gouging deep grooves into the surface.

"She's our baiter, the best we have." Eyes of black night fill the irises of silver.

Pure rage pours out of the male, hitting my skin like searing white heat. I can taste the acid on my tongue.

"How many males has she had?" He growls the words out as he beings a shift.

"None. I can assure you her virtue is still intact."

Standing abruptly, I throw my chair back letting all the contempt, the disgust, the rage I feel show. Baring my teeth at both of them in a calculated show of disrespect.

"Is she like this often?" The Northerner huffs out, unimpressed.

"Yes," my brother states, running his fingers through his hair and down his face.

Storming out the door, letting it bang shut and quickly make my way to my room.

Once there, I begin to scream out my madness. Big fat tears stream down my face as I break into sobs so deep they rack my body. Tearing posters and shelves off my walls, sweeping everything off my desk, in a fit of rage. I even do the most unholy of things and fling my phone at the wall, shattering the pristine screen.

I hate them! I feel nothing but contempt for the Northerner. He knows I had no choice, backed me into a corner, with no way out.

My brother...I seethe. He gets to stay, live in his home, keep all his friends and family, leaving me forever alone. I hate everyone at the moment. I can't stop the tears and the rage that cling to me.

Laying on the bed, face buried in the pillow, I'm still sobbing when the door clicks open.

"Do you always behave like this?" It's him, the Northerner with his deep honeyed voice questioning out. I don't reply, just kept my head buried in the pillow, waiting for him to go.

Feeling the way his eyes infiltrate the back of my skin, making me uncomfortable with the need to itch the spot he's looking at.

"I expected more from you. This behavior may be tolerated by you Southerners." His voice drips with disgust. "But where you're going, it won't be. I'm your Alpha'll need to try and control yourself better."

Keeping my head buried underneath the pillows, refusing to even acknowledge his presence.

The clapping of thunder is loud as the storm rages outside. He picks me up out of bed with his powerful arms.

"Remember, you decided on this fate. I gave you a choice." His hands coil in my hair, bringing my gaze up to meet his. He's making me bend to his will, staring me down. By sheer willfulness, I don't look away.

Stubbornness has always been a strong suit of mine.

"You gave me no choice. I would never go with you otherwise." I scream it out to him, letting my words hit him hard in the face as I try to kick and scratch, hurt him like he hurt me.

Feeling rabid just like a sick dog, relentless, with no purpose, just pure madness affecting me. There is no calming me down, I'm past the point of no return. Shifting instantly tearing my clothes, my fighting form ascending. Lunging for his throat, going in for the kill.

His hands grab me by the scruff of the neck, fingers digging in painfully hard as he lifts me up. The next thing I know, he throws me outside into the raging storm. Landing with a thump in the mud, instantly I right myself. Crouching down low, I show him my intentions. I want to challenge him. Keeping my golden eyes on him, staring him down in a fit of aggression, my teeth bared, lips pulled back in a snarl, muscles ready to spring.

I'm ready to face him, my tail still. Striking a dominant pose. That's when he assumes his fighting form.

The wolf's grey triangle ears pitch forward, while his gleaming grey eyes burn into my soul, measuring and probing. Pure power pulses in the air. I give a shiver of fear as the wolf approaches. Big strong paws slowly take a step forward, head low to the ground, his lips curled upwards, revealing a sharp set of canines that drip with saliva.

His wild surging forward.

The dominance has my wolf backing up cautiously as all my previous show of force is gone. I'm already beaten without a fight. My wolf senses a more powerful one and whines out slightly with fright. I'm not backing down. I push her forward, staring him in the defiance.

Before I even have time to react, his hind legs pounce upwards and he lands on my back. Teeth clamp onto my wet fur as the storm above us rages. Growling and trying to flip him off, I easily tire of his weight pushing my head in the mud. He's much stronger, heavier than I am. I stand no chance against this seasoned warrior.

I'm not sure how long we stay in that position, with my head in the mud, his teeth clamped against my neck, his low growls trying to calm me down.

Eventually, relenting my exhausted wet body giving up the fight. He still lays there on top of me, not letting me go. Finally turning my neck towards him in...submission.

After a few more minutes he takes some of the weight off my chest, licking the base of my neck where his teeth opened up my skin, trying to heal it for me.

He gives me one good growl as all weight is taken off.  I've been beaten, put in my proper place. Shifting back, with tears in my eyes, I enter the house quickly.

A lustful growl hits my ears.

Getting in bed with a bruised ego, humiliation heavy in the air. I'll get no sleep tonight. I just toss in the blankets waiting for the nightmare to come.

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