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One more thing....it's about Grey...he will always be what he was born to be...and Meela will be what she was made to be......

My furs still slightly ruffled up with the way the Northerner left me, deep down I know that there will be a great war between us over pups. He thinks he can exert his will over me...

What he fails to realize is that I have options, females have many ways around not having a Future planted inside of us, I just need to get my hands on those herbs so his seed can never take latch into my nest. I don't have much time to start drinking the tea infused concoction created by the Ancient females of the past, passed down from healer to healer to the females in need.

Walking into the kitchen, Sophie's there with the enforcer's mate...Jamie that's her name, I'm starting to get better with their name's.

Both females stop their conversations giving me a bow of their heads, eyes down cast in a humble respect.

I smile at them, "good morning ladies."

"Good morning Luna," it's said at the same time, as Sophie hands me my cup of coffee.

"Thanks...you don't need to serve me, I can do things myself," as I take a thankful sip of that hot liquid of the gods.

"We know, it's just we want to," she gives me one of her real smiles, that lights up her face, those sun kissed curls bouncing with her movement, making her look almost innocent, but I know she's anything but.....

Jamie watches our exchange standing slightly away; it's in those eyes that hold her burning intelligence. The way she holds herself with a quiet confidence...she can't be underestimated.

I give her a smile again sizing her up, my eyes drawn to her perfect hair, the kind that you can get out of bed and shake it, ruffle it up, and it's all ready to go, without any effort. It's a beautiful auburn brown with streaks of burnt cinnamon, and dark yellows...the moons blessing upon her.

Her body curvy yet, an underestimated hardness underneath it, she has a swagger about her, confidence that radiates out, wanting you to be bathed in the glow of it.

I'll be spending a lot of time around these two females; I need to try and get along with them for my sake and the packs.

"Meela, will you come with us, we're required at the training grounds? It seems a bunch of non-mated females is causing some chaos." She gives me a sly smirk, knowing how much trouble females can be with the progressing of our heat cycle....

Females are usually naturally submissive to males, but things change during our cycle, and we start to become just as aggressive as the males, some females even fighting amongst themselves for the most Prized Male.

"Alright let's go." I've never seen the males train before, so I'm curious about how it's done here.

As we're walking to the area I take a deep breath, "I was wondering do you have any healers in this pack?" I question out. As soon as the words leave my mouth they.....know.

"Yes, we have one..why?" Jamie's keen eyes give me a sideways glance.

"Oh, I just was wondering," even I can tell how nervous my voice sounds.

"Why are you sick?" Sophie stops walking turning her whole body towards me.

I feel the sudden hardness in her words, those innocent features of hers camouflage the true nature under her skin...a beast

A fleeting thought takes shape in my mind could I take her? Would Jamie interfere in a fight?

"Well if you're not sick, why are you asking about a healer?" I watch her fold her arms over her chest, fingers digging into her flesh. Legs spread slightly apart, as she eyes me, jaw twitching.

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