Humiliation Grey POV

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Grey POV

The battering wind shakes and rattles the window pane of glass, the storm raging outside and I feel my own rage waging a war inside me. I watch my mate from the corner of my undeniable beauty...Meela her name going around and around in my head.

I can see that she is having a hard time controlling her emotions, everything she's feeling is oozing out of her for me to taste...her hair hangs down over her face in a submissive posture but I can tell she is anything but...The smell of her has me uncomfortable in my pants...I want to own this creature sitting beside me in every way.

"She will be brought back to my territory, branded and taken in the old way...the proper way." I say watching as horror seeps out of her skin, eyes of light gold that are intricate and detailed gives me a sideways glance...I want to calm her with a touch but instead, I press on.

"What of her skill level, does she have any?" I look at her and I want to take her now...unconcerned with the answer until his words hit my chest hard..."She's our baiter, the best we have."

I feel my canines peeking out, "How many males has she had?" I can't hold the growls in any longer...

"None, I can assure you her virtue is still intact." I let out a breath, I still would've claimed her even if she had many...I would never turn her away for that.

Watching her stand abruptly, throwing the chair back...she bares her teeth at us in disrespect...

"Is she like this often?" Does she think I'm some common wolf that doesn't deserve respect?

"Yes," her brother says breathing out a breath letting his fingers run through his hair...embarrassment evident on his face.

She lets the door bang hard after wolf growls at this behavior...challenging us to do something.

I can hear her screaming somewhere upstairs, banging and breaking things...stomping on the floor in a temper tantrum.

My attention now falls on this weak Alpha who allows his own sister to be traded for territory that I could have taken easily.

"Treat her well Grey, she's all I have left. She can be difficult at times, always so stubborn...that's her biggest downfall. Have patience with her."

She screams again her displeasure at being my mate...which only maddens me more...does she not think I'm worthy of her?

Getting up ignoring her brother, I make my way to her room. Opening the door, she's under the blankets crying like a baby wolf.

"I expect more from you. This behavior may be tolerated by you Southerners," I let the disgust drip in my voice to get my point across, my females will eat her up if she shows this weakness. "But where you're going it won't be. I'm your Alpha'll need to try and control yourself better." Instead of responding to me, she continues to hide away in her blankets. The thunder booms out as the lightning flashes in the sky.

Picking her up out of bed, instead of holding her the way I wanted to. I place my mouth against her ear, "Remember, you decided on this fate. I gave you a choice." I coil my hands in her hair...feeling the silkiness of it...wanting to run my fingers through it. She stares at me in challenge, not looking away...she willfully is challenging me and my wolf and we have no choice but to raise up to her challenge or else she will think we're weak.

"You gave me no choice. I would never go with you otherwise." Her words are flung hard at my ego...does she think we're not worthy of her, does she think there are better males out there than me?

Her claws dig into my face, scratching my neck...a madness has descended over her...the reasoning gone as her pupils are dilated black. The wolf in her ascends, leaping for my throat...grabbing her by the scruff of her neck like a misbehaving juvenile, I carry her down the stairs opening the door, I let her land hard on the ground, letting the mud soak into her fur.

She crouches down low with her ears pulled back in challenge, golden eyes screaming at my wolf to do something about this. Her mouth curls back, revealing sharpened teeth...she thinks she is dominant at the moment and my wolf howls with the pleasure of showing her who he is.

My beast is slow to approach her, he wants her to realize what a mistake her actions are...her show of force is crumbling with each step closer my wolf takes to her...

The wolf whines out in the cutest way, already beaten without a fight...but she pushes forward so her eyes come to life inside the wolf...she is defiant as she challenges my wolf...

Swiftly, he pounces on her, landing on her back, pressing her body down in the mud, teeth clamped down on her neck...she growls trying to throw the weight of him off her. We are much stronger than this female as she tires easily...

My wolf will not release her, instead, he pushes her head into the mud, teeth drawing blood in a display of dominance. She will not think she is ever stronger than us, the wolf proud of this fact.

With one last growl and shake of her neck, the wolf releases her, our tongue licking her neck trying to heal the injury, it arouses the both of us to have our female underneath us. Rubbing our scent over her body, she stills underneath...accepting her defeat.

We get off of her as she shifts back into her skin form...I almost shift back into my own skin...her body is smooth and perfect...I want to take her now as I howl out my lust for her ears. She doesn't turn around, only runs for the door, slipping inside before I lose myself to nature...

I run most of the wolf is restless and so am I...

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