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My head feels like someone is jabbing their finger in my temple over and over again. I don't think I drank that much, but red wine always does that to me, no matter how little I have.

The dryness in my mouth is demanding I get up and drink some water. Entering the kitchen, I hear the male voices and feel an underlying current of aggression in the air.

The Northerner doesn't even turn to look at me. "I thought I told you to stay in your room until I came for you." His voice is tight....angry.

Turning on the tap, filling a glass only to drink it down greedily. A warning growl, very faint and low, rumbles out of my chest as I put the glass in the sink.

"Defiant little thing, isn't she Grey?" Alpha Steve's voice taunts me to action.

My eyes snap to him, the man I thought I knew. He watches me over his cup as he takes a long drink. He's goading me, trying to rile me up. His betrayal feels like a blade twisting in my heart.

He's crossing the line from friend to my enemy.

"Her mother was the same way, always causing trouble, going in tooth and claw, asking questions later. Her father could never tame that wolf."

I feel the Northerner's firm fingers press into my shoulder.

He hisses into my ear, "Go up stairs. Now."

"She should stay. We're just discussing the terms of our agreement." Alpha Steve pats the chair next to him. I just give him a crazy look and remain standing.

"I don't care about your terms. I'm going home to my brother, away from all you people." Crossing my arms in front of me...defiant.

"No, you will be coming back with me to my pack, where we can keep an eye on you. We don't need you sneaking back here, causing trouble."

"So that's why you want me to come back with you. You're afraid I might come back to claim what's mine." I see his plan in my head. He wants to watch over me so I don't cause any trouble. I start to laugh at him. "If you think I would ever come back here, you're insane. I'm actually glad this happened."

Turning towards the Northerner, pointing me finger at him. "I never want to see him again... Ever." Those dull grey eyes pull at my heart strings, but I refuse to show him anything but contempt.

"No... You'll come back with us." Alpha Steve hisses it out to me.

"No, I won't. You don't own me. I'm not part of your pack." My eyes challenge his.

"You're wrong. You will be coming back with us" His voice has risen as he gets off his chair to stand, showing me his full height in intimidation.

Turning my back on him, showing him my disrespect. "I called my brother, he should be here soon to pick me up."

"Then your brother and I will have to have a discussion. His pack just lost a lot of their land." He rubs his finger on his chin. "I wonder what it will take to buy you?" His voice is goading me again into action.

I can't help myself.

Without even realizing it, I backhand Alpha Steve as hard as I can only to watch in disbelief as a trickle of blood seeps out of the corner of his lip.

His tongue flicks out to lick the blood, and he smiles at me in an icy, mocking way. "You die today."

What have I done? The true horror sinks in. I just challenged an Alpha.

"I didn't mean it," I cry out as panic grips me. My breath leaves my lungs, leaving me gasping for air.

Alpha Steve laughs. "This works out even better. You could never control yourself, could you? Played right into my hand. Now Victoria never has to look over her shoulder, waiting for you to come back."

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