Malicious Intent

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"Hello...Victoria" I'm nervous now, regretting my decision about calling her.

"Meela, is everything okay, did something happen with Grey?" A concern rings out over the other end of the phone.

"Everything's fine I just-" my nerves make it hard to speak, why do I always make such rash decisions?

"Go on Meela, say what you need to say. Don't be nervous." Victoria's calm voice speaking out calmly, but my heart is racing.

"Fin, he," the phone's taken out of my hand, the Northerner growls deeply at me, eyes me with his disapproval which has my shoulders hunched in slightly.

"Victoria," I watch his hand pull on his beard, face looking torn. He eyes me again, brows furrowed in a look of disbelief.

"Victoria....Fin," He throws a hard look at me. "Fin, of my female's," he takes in a breath, "she's carrying his pup."

His eyes turn silver, then back to a dull grey, he turns the phone off. "She hung up on me, are you happy with yourself Meela? I didn't realize you could be so cruel." He shows me his back in a form of disrespect to how I just behaved.

"She didn't deserve to find out like that; she's been through a lot." He keeps his back to me. Reaching my hand out placing it on his right shoulder, he shrugs it off.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking." My voice is soft with the guilt I feel.

"Oh, I think you knew what you were doing...Meela, no matter what you think of Stephanie she's carrying my nephew, Fin's pup." He still has his back turned my way refusing to put his eye's on me.

"That pup will have no chance with a mother like her, it'll turn out to be a turn tail just like its mother..." Crossing my arms over my chest, trying to justify my actions.

"You don't know this, it's part of my blood, his blood. I called Fin he's on his way for the female. He still won't look at me.

Thomas enters the room looking disheveled. "Grey, Meela." he nods his head towards me.

"I need you with me today until Fin get's here, I want half the males in fighting form patrolling the territory. The other half, the best fighters we have to be here at the pack house until we can give Fin the female." He turns to face Thomas but still gives me his back.

"Why...what's going on?" Thomas questions out, a confused look on his face.

"Fin's on his way, it seems that he's going to be a father and he's picking up the female that's carrying his pup."

"Then why do you need all the security?" Thomas looks between the Northerner and me.

"Victoria's on her way." The Northerner breaths out. Thomas eye's me, the guilt seeping out of my skin, can he taste it? Putting the pieces together in his mind, he gives me a low growl, which the Northerner answers him with a deeper growl stopping Thomas immediately.

Thomas leaves without another word. "A wars coming to our soil Meela, are you ready for this?" He growls it out very softly, he's trying to control his anger.

"I need to go and get things ready for Victoria's arrival. Please, stay here, don't go wandering around today. I need to know your safe here."

He places a singular finger under my chin lifting my face to him. "Promise you'll stay here."

"Yes, I promise I'll stay." My eyes scanning his face, all I see is a disappointment which makes me wince away from him.

"Victoria, she doesn't deserve this. I wanted to tell her differently." He turns away from me walking out the door, letting it bang after him.

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