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Meela's POV

Following the Northerner, as he enters the house, no fight left in me. I just want to sleep. I'm completely exhausted and I want a real bed, where I can pull the covers over my head and sleep for days.

My legs ache with the exertion each step brings. We climb the stairs, one behind the other. I stumble and catch myself on the richly carved wooden banister. He opens the door to his room and ushers me into the bathroom.

"You're a mess," he so nicely points out. "You need to take a bath and clean yourself up before we go downstairs to eat with our pack mates."

He starts the bath water and brings over lots of different bath soaps and hair products for me to use.

As he walks out, he tells me he'll be back soon, so I should hurry. He made my bath hot, the steam causing little drops of moisture to trickle down the wall. I watch the little drips fascinated as they zig zag at odd angles, their path never predictable.

Letting my body sink deeper into the water, my breathing coming out slower now. Closing my eyes, I sigh, just before sinking under water. Feeling my hair floating above me, wondering how long I've been away for.

After washing and rewashing the tangled mess and putting in some leave in conditioner, I get out and dry my body.

The Northerner enters the room. Heat rising to my cheeks, I try covering myself with a towel.

The look he gives me is so intense and full of meaning, I can't move. I watch his chest rise and fall, almost as if he is having a hard time breathing.

Suddenly he pulls me to him, pressing himself against me and places a gentle kiss on my lips, his tongue softly parting my mouth, seeking entrance.

Turning my face to the side, I can hear the frantic beat of his heart. Silence descends on us, heavy and thick.

A small voice in my head tells me our mate wants us, not as a sister or friend, but as a lover...a mate.

"Meela, I just want to tell you I..." He closes his mouth, clearly unable to finish what he wants to say.

His lips part again. I watch his tongue lick the dryness away from his mouth. He's so close to me, smelling earthy, woodsy with a hint of cedar.

He opens his mouth again. "I'm not the monster you think I am." His voice is deep and throaty. "This had to be done. I needed you to accept me as your Alpha, do you understand?"

Nodding my head in understanding. Keeping my eyes downcast, I stand there awkwardly waiting to be told what to do.

"I put some joggers and a shirt on your bed. Please get dressed."

Brushing by him, my skin glides across his arm. He reaches out, gripping my arm and pulls me back into his chest.

"I never meant to hurt you."

Not saying anything, I just keep my head down like a beaten dog. He lets me go and I scurry away, dressing in record time. Everything is baggy, the joggers barely staying on my hips, and I have to tie them tightly. My bra fits oddly, hardly anything filling the cups.

Back in the bathroom, I wipe away some of the fogged up mirror. Looking at my reflection, I mouth the words, "Who are you?" I really don't recognize myself: sunken in cheeks, hair that's falling out in clumps. The skin around my neck has been worn off. It's red, raw, angry looking.

As I brush the tangles out, the Northerner takes the brush from my hands. He squirts some oil in his hands and rubs it into my hair, inhaling deeply liking the flowery scent

He starts at the bottom, working all the knots out, then progresses until my hair is tangle-free and shining.

As he puts tow braids in my hair, his lips touch my neck. I pretend to hiss in pain, trying to keep his mouth away from that spot. I want none of his advances. He gives a low growl and I shake in fear that he's going to collar me again.

Seeing my fright angers him more. I want to look up to see what color his eyes are, but I'm afraid of doing something wrong. So I stand there, trembling with fright, my eyes downcast. I can't even breathe. I'm so scared, my heart's beating so fast I feel it's going to explode inside me.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm not mad. You will never have to go through that again. I give you my word it will never happen again."

Wrapping me up in a hug, he lifts me off the ground, speaking into my ear. "I promise you I will never do something like that to you again."

I can feel he's telling the truth, but I'm still so scared. I won't survive if it happens again.

He turns and strides out of the room. Miserably, I follow him. As he sits at the head of the grand oak table, I take my place to his right. People are already there, waiting for us to begin.

The northerner places bacon, eggs, fruit, and toast on my plate. I look to my fork and knife. How odd it is to eat with them. I balance the fork between my fingers as I stab a piece of fruit and put it in my mouth. Chewing on the sweetest piece of watermelon I ever had, I savor the flavor. Months of eating nothing but meat has me filling up on fruit.

The group's chatter has me agitated, not used to hearing so much noise in a long time. I keep my head down, not daring to draw anyone's eyes.

A flowery scent hits my nose. Looking up, I see the pig girl...my tormentor, positioning herself to his left. The move doesn't go unnoticed by the rest of the people with us.

"Grey, you have to try this, it's so good!" She puts her fork to his mouth and he takes the bite.

She just fed him in front of me, the ultimate show of disrespect towards me. I can hear some of the females in the group clearing their throats...uncomfortable.

I should put her in her place immediately, but I'm too frightened to do it, afraid I'll be put out there again.

Instead, my frustration and anger make me start crying uncontrollably.

"Not again!" She huffs out. "All she does is whine. It hurts my ears. Tell her to stop, Grey." Her squeaky voice feels like nails pounding into my head.

My eyes fall on the knife beside me. How easy it would be to sink it into her neck. I could do it before anyone could stop me. I see her hands on his shoulders.

"Make her stop."

That's when my head snaps up, golden eyes blazing. It's the first time in months my wolf has ascended since the Northerner betrayed her.

He notices her instantly. My wolf wants her blood on our hands, nothing else will do.

I don't take my eyes off her as a low growl comes deep from my chest. I watch her eyes change, letting me know she wants to fight just as much as me.

"Stop. Stephanie, leave now!"

Her bottom lip thrust out, pouting, but she leaves.

"Meela, go to your room!"

I'm so grateful, I almost jump for joy when he says those words. I jump up instantly and run to my room, closing the door behind me. My belongings are on the floor, still in their bags. I rummage through it and get my blanket out. It smells like home. As I shake out the blanket, small packages of herbs slide out.

I never even thought about the herbs I take once a month to prevent my heat. With months without it in my system, I'm sure to go into it anytime. My stomach clenches in horror at the thought of going into my first heat with the Northerner.

Walking to the thick curtains, I pull them closed, casting the room into darkness. I climb into bed and put my blanket over my head. Too tired to think or care about anything, I just need to sleep. With that, I let myself sink into bed, the smell of home in my nose.

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