DarkLix' s POV.
I held the girl by the throat, enjoying the terrified look on her face. The rain plastered my hair and to my scalp. I could make it nice weather, it didn't hurt me like it has hurt Martha, but I liked the rain.
I squeezed tighter, and the girl gasped. I didn't want anything from her. But death entertained me.
"P-please...." She gasped. I grinned, and cocked my head to one side.
"Please what?" I asked still soaking up her terror and the rain.
"L-let me...." She trailed off, her life ending like countless others before her in my hands. I dropped her limp body, smiling. I was disappointed that I hadn't had any competition of any type, but then again, I was completely over powered.
I flew from the spot where the girls life had ended towards my den. It wasn't very far.
As I travelled I decided to talk to my other half.
What do you want?
I laughed. It wasn't a merry sound. Well if your going to be like that, you can't go out.
I could sense her sit up. Get out? She asked. I could sense the hope in her voice.
Of course not. You'd try to get away and keep me in there. I have been in there for years. Now, it's your turn.
She slumped. How did you come to take over anyway?
I smiled again. I loved explaining to her. When your twin died, you were upset. When Luna called you worthless you begin to give up. I was able to speak to you and give you ideas.
She gasped. The dream!
I rolled my eyes at her stupidity. Yes. When your brother died, you had just about given up enough for me to give up. But your mother throwing you off the house was enough. I took over... Lucky for you I did. You would of died.
She sniffed. Better than all the other people dying.
I shook my head, still travelling towards my house. Now that's where your wrong. Humanity is a plague. It's meant to be destroyed. All I do is have fun while doing it.
Martha was almost shaking with fury. Your human! I'm human! Well... I'm not so sure about you.
Again I laughed. No, I'm human... I think. Well, over-powered werewolf. Same thing.
Now she was rolling her eyes at me. Where did the name DarkLix come from anyway?
I was annoyed with her now. I don't know. Where did Martha come from? I snapped back and started ignoring her. Finally. We had arrived at home.
Home sweet home. No. It's not sweet. Blood was splattered against the cave walls from when I had taken someone back to torture, the roof was quite high, so it splattered high. The only furniture was a kitchen place and a bed in the corner which hadn't been touched. But it looked nice, so I kept it.
A small fire was blazing in the center. Due to my magic, it was forever going. I sat in a chair for a while, reading a book. I quickly became bored of just sitting there, so I went outside. The full moon reflected off the pond next to my house. My spirits soared. This was my first full moon. It was almost as exiting as killing.
I closed my eyes, as the sweet and salty smell of blood filled my mouth, as my teeth fell out one by one. My nails fell out, but were quickly replaced by claws. Fur sprouted all over my body in place of clothes. The transformation was done in only ten seconds.
I opened my still red eyes. My fur was black, save for my chin, muzzle and feet which were dark grey. I knew for a fact that Martha's wolf was meant to be grey. But, well... Although we shared a body, we had different wolves. Who happened to hate each other.
See, Martha is kinda stored in the back of my mind. That's where the wolves are also stored. And, when Martha had control, I was in the back of her mind.
But my point is that the two wolves have met on more than one occasion. And lets just say that's another reason Martha shouldn't take over. Her wolf is.... Well, not healthy.
I stepped away from the pond once I had examined myself enough. I sniffed deeply, the scents hitting my nose. Deer's and rabbits were near, along with other predators. But most of them ignored me as I walked past. I had smelt another smell. A familiar one. Another werewolf.
Hey guys!
So, this chapter and all the others in DarkLix's or Martha's POV is by ME! Brofist101!
This is the sequel to Werewolf (@bellamonkey246's one), Werewolves (My one) and Vampires Secret (@Lil_Minnie's one)! I hope your enjoying the... Uh, first chapter.
The next will be in the next POV, and I'll be back in about 2 chapters! I don't know when the next update will be, I'll have to organise something with the others... I'm guessing we'll update 3 times a week, so once each? I dunno yet....
But anyway, votes and comments are appreciated! Show the others my chapters are best XD.
Oh, sorry its short, but I don't have much ideas yet... So.... The next one by me will be longer... I hope. Oh, and @Lil_Minnie? I AM MORE CREATIVE THAN YOOOOU! Everyone, vote if you agree ^-^ (10,000 votes :p)
Have a good day!

WerewolfSequel to Werewolves. DarkLix is free. No one is safe. She roams the country, killing who she feels like. Only one group can stop her. Join the three well loved character - DarkLix/Martha, Emmy and Katy as Emmy and Katy try to take down DarkLix...