As I floated into the crowded village I saw so many memories.
Like the time me and my sister got told off for staying at the bakery for to long, and how mother would be worried sick when we got home.
Mother....... As I began to reminisce about the passing of my mother, tears began to fall down my pale translucent face, and it felt like a lump was forming in my throat.
Suddenly I heard laughter. Wait someone was laughing at me!? No. I was hovering next to a school.
I schooched closer to the playground next go the busy school and landed on a wall.
I spent ages just watching the children play until I felt dizzy,just watching this one girl run around and around a pedestal.
I studied her closer and nearly died when I noticed who this intreguing girl truly was.
The light brown hair, cute bunches, rounded cheeks..... IT WAS MIKA!!!
Mika.. My sister. It seemed like an eternity since I last layed eyes on her.
I swooped in so I was only a few meters away from her petite figure.
Tears began to well up in my eyes again and I was getting flustered trying to send them away.
Then again... She couldn't see me so what did it matter.
I breathed out and an array of tears streamed out of my eyes... Well not real eyes..... Soul eyes.
Mika came to a sudden halt and skipped up to where I was having a mental breakdown.
She sat on a rock next to me and started to hum.
I stared at her. What the hell was she doing?!
Then suddenly she looked up in my direction with a worrying eyes.
I looked behind me but no one was there.... That means...
She began to speak. " Why are you so sad little ghostie?"
" Please don't raise you voice, calm yourself"
"AND SHE CAN HEA - oh sorry. And she can hear me?"
Dundunduuuunnnnnnnnn, no one else can see Emmy so how come Mika can...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Oh and sorry this is short...... I will make a reeeeeaaaaaallllllyyyy long one next time!!!

WerewolfSequel to Werewolves. DarkLix is free. No one is safe. She roams the country, killing who she feels like. Only one group can stop her. Join the three well loved character - DarkLix/Martha, Emmy and Katy as Emmy and Katy try to take down DarkLix...