Hi this chapter is by me lil_minnie. This part has a hunger game reference..... Don't sue us!!!!
I suddenly snapped out of my trance to find myself about to plunge a dagger into my mother heart.... No! Why!?
Before the dagger made contact with my petrified mother, DarkLix clicked her fingers.
Suddenly, I had swapped places with my mother. I looked down to see the same dagger I was holding buried deep in my chest. Then I looked up to see my mother, the person who I spent most of my life with, frozen on the spot, her hand still clasping the dagger, tears welling up in her bloodshot eyes.
She was the first person I saw and probably the last.
3rd person!!!!
Diana backed away from her daughter..and looked at DarkLix, tears pouring out of her eyes.
DarkLix ran up to her and went to give her a brofist, but Diana just smacked her hand away and began to scream.
"WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?!?!?" She screamed. DarkLix looked confused.
"What are you talking about Diana?! I thought you wanted her dead! I thought I was doing you a favour!!" DarkLix began to laugh as if this whole thing was a joke.
Before DarkLix could even react, Diana had slapped her in the face.
DarkLix rubbed her now glowing red cheek and grimaced. Everyone stopped what they were doing as Diana kneeled down to Emmys face.
Flash back
Diana held the weeping child close to her.
Emmy had cut her knee and blood was pouring everywhere.
She cried to her mother "Mummy mummy... It hurts!!"
Diana sighed. "I know darling. Don't worry I will fix it." Diana started to sing her heart out, always focusing on Emmy. Once her melody was over Emmys painful cut was gone.
Emmy squealed in delight. "Thank you mummy!" she said as she ran off.
End of flash back.
Dianas P.O.V
That's it..... The song! I can save her with my song!
I took a deep breath and began to sing.
"Deep in the meadow,
under the willow,
a bed of grass,
a soft green pillow,
lay down your head,
and close your sleepy eyes,
and when again they ope-"
I stopped. Why you ask?
I stared down at my body, blood began to pour out. DarkLix had back stabbed me.... Literally.
No! I needed to finished the song if not she won't awaken!!
I tried to sing again, but all that came out was blood... So much blood.
I couldn't take it anymore. I was dying.
With the little power I had, I transported my last breath of life into Emmy. That should keep her for now.
I just hope the others will know what to do.
And with that I'm now going to die. Become one with the world. I will be able to see my husband. Or say sorry. This is all my fault.
End of P.O.V
Everyone watched except for DarkLix, who sat on a rock, trying not to giggle.
"Why are you laughing?" shouted Katy.
DarkLix looked at her and explained "Hmm.. Well. Diana was a silly girl. She knew what she was doing, and I couldn't let her bring Emmy back could I?"
Everyone sneered at DarkLix in disgust. Except Katy.
Katy walked up to Emmys still body and picked her up.
DarkLix was about to charge for the two of them, until Katy put up her hand.
"This is the least you can do before you kill us all" She muttered.
DarkLix smiled and sat back down, lazily yet still terrifyingly.
"Might as well " she said as she conjured up a snack. "This show better be good enough...cause your life is on the line."
Uhhh it took ages cause I was busy with stuff... But its finally here!! hope you liked x.....oh and brofist...... I'm great....I'm awesome....I'm Esmae!!! lol.

WerewolfSequel to Werewolves. DarkLix is free. No one is safe. She roams the country, killing who she feels like. Only one group can stop her. Join the three well loved character - DarkLix/Martha, Emmy and Katy as Emmy and Katy try to take down DarkLix...