S'up guys? Glitch101 here with... A apology. We are not organised in any way. This is just a note about our own excuses *ahem* reasons why we can't update this as much. I have YouTube. C'mon! And we all have our own accounts. I just finished my third book (hint hint) so... Yeah. Also, video games. So, we will be updating more... But we do have things to do. But no friends. Unlike the others, I don't have friends
I kid. Now, please excuse me, I need to watch YouTube updates and play Legend of Zelda. Bai!
Hai, it's CanIEatThis (I made a new account, because I forgot the password for the bellamonkey246 one!) I'm here with...a non-apology, I don't apologize for not updating so much-because, you know why? WE HAVE LIVES. Ish. Like Maya, I have a legend of Zelda game too (only one :( cry, cry, cry) and I am in a temple thing at the moment and I am trying to complete it so....yeah. Don't push me. Because I might be a bit tense...not like I was up for most of last night playing Zelda on my DSI *ahem* *ahem.* So, YEAH! DON'T PUSH US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Its lil_minnie, Um. I apologise for the late updates and stuff! Like both of them I also have a life and I draw a lot, I cook, I clean, I hang out with my friends and I go into forests! So yeah, I am sorry but we will try harder!!!!! I also noticed that my paragraph is way shorter than the others so....Here's a song. ~Songsongsongsongsongsongsongsongsongsongsongsongsongsongsongsong!
~Cause I can!

WerewolfSequel to Werewolves. DarkLix is free. No one is safe. She roams the country, killing who she feels like. Only one group can stop her. Join the three well loved character - DarkLix/Martha, Emmy and Katy as Emmy and Katy try to take down DarkLix...