There reaction.... Gah. I loved there shock. It fuelled my happiness.
'No, you can't! She may have become a physco...' She glances at her mum her eyes full of resentment and salty tears. Over reaction much? 'But she's still my mum!'
Katy rolled her eyes and shout at Emmy, shouting 'Oh for gods sake Emmy - she's not your mum any more!'
All this over a vampire?
Emmy flipped out. Her usually Brown eyes glow red... Quite like mine.... And she screams. "No!" She yells, pushing Katy back. Her head hits a rock and her eyes close. I can sense her regret coming off her now unconcianse body. I grin. The plan is going perfectly.
Speaking of plans.... Martha seems to of remembered something. Well dome. Idiot.
I ignored him, and mind linked my newest servant, Diana. How? She's hypnotized now.
"Use the blood..." I whispered across the link. She nodded, and pulled out the little container with a drop of blood sitting at the bottom. Diana nodded to me. I smiled back, before turning around and pulling a face. At times, I do act like a child.
She used her powers to hover the vial in the air. It started glowing. So did Emmy' s eyes. I turned back, fascinated. Although werewolf hypnosis was simple, an un-glamorous, it was quick. Vampire hypnosis was more effective and more sparky.
It was over. Now I had a battlefield under my feet and another servant. Diana and Emmy looked at me, the same fazed look in there eyes. I smirked.
Suddenly, moving as quickly as possible, I blurred next to Diana and grabbed her neck. She snapped out of the trance I had put her in and yelled. I clicked a band around her wrist, making her powers disappear. She shouted out again. I shushed her, my red eyes glowing and pinned her to a rock, making binders out of the rock to hold her down.
Emmy came over, zombie like. I decided, rather than killing Diana like I had originally planned, I would pass the honor to her daughter. I grinned again, excitement fluttering in my stomach and handed her Alaska's knife. Then I flew up, picking up Alaska on the way. I wanted a play-toy.
Emmy looked down at her pleading mother, and raised the knife high....
Hello everyone.
Did you like that? Comment saying budder if you did. :).
If you hadn't read out prequel books (mime being werewolves, Bella's being werewolf and Lil_minnie's being vampires secret) then it helps to understand the story!
I think the next chapter is going to be by lil_minnie... And if not it, it'll be a authors note. We do have a special announcement to make...
Have a good day!

WerewolfSequel to Werewolves. DarkLix is free. No one is safe. She roams the country, killing who she feels like. Only one group can stop her. Join the three well loved character - DarkLix/Martha, Emmy and Katy as Emmy and Katy try to take down DarkLix...