Pure to the soul

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I flew through the air, I felt lifeless...... Wait. I was supposed to be dead. How is this possible?

I stopped by a window to see what I had become.

I was now a glowing pale blue mist. That meant I was now a soul, conscience, mind, whatever you want to call it.

I carried on soaring through the sky and then I spotted DarkLix... And Alaska. DarkLix was carrying Alaska on her shoulder.

I came right up to DarkLix and shouted "What are you doing!? Put her down!" But she didn't even bother to reply to me. Then I remembered, now that I wasn't 'alive' no one could hear or see me.

 Dammit. I began to cuss to myself as I passed a meadow.

That's when I saw them. Me, Mother, and Katy. All places in the middle of the vast bright meadow with flowers surrounding them.

I nearly chocked as I cam closer to them and noticed the pool of blood that enveloped all of them.

As I came closer and closer I saw a dazed figure that looked exactly like my form right now, but whiter and larger.

The thing must of been working for DarkLix! I charged up to it, my 'body' glowing brighter and brighter.

Luckily souls and ghosts could see, hear, and touch each other. So I grabbed it and slammed it to the floor.

It began to scream "Stop, stop, I'm not here to fight!!" But I didn't listen. Instead I began to scream back "What do you mean your not here to fight!? You killed my mum and my best friend!!"

Suddenly the figure stopped struggling and smiled at me "Emmy? Is that you?" I paused " What?"

The figure jumped up and started spinning around in excitement " Its me Katy!!! I'm so glad your here! I thought you were dead"

The anger in me slowly faded as I hugged Katy, but then I let go.

"Wait.....Can you explain something to me Katy?" I asked. She nodded her head.

"Why... Why am I still here. I was meant to be dead, and why is my mum here, dead, and why are YOU here dead!? Its so confusing!" I started to stress out but she silenced me.

"I will explain.........After you were stabbed your mother, well she saved you. Put you in a coma...... But...."

"But what?" I asked.

"To save you she used the last of her power......The last part of her life.."

I froze and looked down at my mother "Thank you" I thought in  my head.

Luckily I couldn't cry in this form so Katy couldn't see my pain.

That still didn't explain why Katy was dead, but she carried on talking so I was obviously about to find out.

"When you died, I started to get emotional, and DarkLix was going to kill me so i thought maybe.. Just maybe I would..." I stopped her mid sentence.

"You killed yourself...." I finished.

She nodded her head slowly and looked down at the floor, her pale white figure sinking to the ground.

"Ummm anyways I'm gonna go. I don't want to stay here" I said trying to change the subject.

"Where are you gonna go?" She asked.

" Anywhere...." I mumbled.

She put a thumbs up. "OK! I'm gonna try and look for Alaska. That daughter of a b**ch stole her."

I laughed and pointed at a cave near a large hill. "I saw her going in there."

Katy smiled "Thanks. stay safe. see you soon."

I left carrying on my journey. I wasn't just going anywhere. I was going to my old village.

Editors comment - Okay, even though she asn't said anything, this chapter (as said before) is by lil_minnie. Hope you enjoyed! (I'm awesome)

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