Martha had explained where her Alpha would be, but it was still intrinsically difficult to find her pack. I searched the forest what seemed like millions of times and I found the pack house on about the - Um... 70 millionth time.
Martha had sure made the directions simple.
I stared up at the massive, intimidating house in wonder... And worry. I know they wouldn't be able to see me but I don't know how I was going to get the information from her Alpha - I had no idea what he was like for gods sake. He could of been a homicidal maniac for all I knew.
God he isn't is he?
I glided through the thick stone wall and looked around the majestic hallway. Eughh. I thought Martha's pack house would be laid back and cool, but it looked like something from about the victorian period - but then I realized it actually could be.
The place was seriously creepy - and I wanted to get out of there as soon as I could.
Ok, plan A: find the alpha get the information. Go.
Not gonna happen.
Plan B: Ummm...
Not that far yet. I'm going to have to go with plan A.
This is going to be a horror story... Well there is more than enough ghosts, werewolves and vampires involved.
I float through thousands of doors and millions of walls and see hundreds of uptight wolves before I found the little weak old man sitting in on an ornate chair in his office. I couldnt believe he was an alpha. I rushed up to him gushing about DarkLix... But then I realised. He couldn't hear me or see me. Damn it, how could I have been so stupid?
I really need to get used to being a ghost.
Well there goes plan A and the non-existent plan B.
Ok what are the options? 1) Kill him so he could see me. 2) Wait until DarkLix kills him.
That's all I had. And I wasn't going to do the first and I didn't have the patience for the second.
"You do know I can see you, you know." The sudden break in the silence shocked me and I jumped out of my skin... Wait I don't have skin. Well it scared the hell out of me.
"Why didn't you say anything before then - er... Sir? Listen I need your help-.."
"I didn't say anything because you were being extremely rude, and I know you need my help, but I'm not going to give you that information... I don't feel like being helpful today." He said in a bored but a slightly sad voice dismissing me carelessly.
"But that's UNFAIR!!!" I said childishly, stomping my foot. My anger was rising to the temperature of a volcano - and I was in danger of errupting.
"I just can't be bothered to save anyone today...or any other day, so just don't bother." He droned, sipping something that looked suspiciously like blood.
Maybe he was a homicidal maniac?
I began to speed towards him in a rage... But someone beat me to it. It was all so fast - all I saw was a dark blur and heard a small groan. Everything refocused and I saw the deep red blood seeping through the alpha's robe, and DarkLix twirling a knife between her fingers.
"Hey Katy," She said licking the lethal knife clean "Isn't it nice that I can see you now? Turns out, if your other half can see ghosts then you can too-wierd isn't it? So, Katy, seems like you did the job of killing you for me - you are so sweet but I'd have rathered if you let me do it. You made me miss out on some fun." She drawled, smiling hideously.
"Oh well I'm soo sorry I disappointed you" I said sarcastically trying not to sound as frightened as I was.
Suddenly I saw a figure emerge behind DarkLix.
The Alpha. As a ghost.
He was pointing with a withered finger at a pitch black book laying on the floor. Without thinking I swiped it up (I dont know how i could because normally my hand just goes through solid objects).
"See ya!" I said to DarkLix's face-which was twisted with confusion and fury as I floated out of the window the heavy book firmly in my grasp.
As I floated away from the house I heard a shriek of frustration from DarkLix.
I have you now.
Hi its's bellamonkey here, now it's a chapter from brofist - she's been bugging me for ages about updating so i hoped you liked my chapter!!!

WerewolfSequel to Werewolves. DarkLix is free. No one is safe. She roams the country, killing who she feels like. Only one group can stop her. Join the three well loved character - DarkLix/Martha, Emmy and Katy as Emmy and Katy try to take down DarkLix...