Hot, heavy tears fell like driving rain from my eyes. I didn't know that ghosts could cry...turns out they can.
I didn't know where I was. It was dark and I couldn't see a thing...then I realised I had my eyes closed. But I couldn't seem to open them.
I didn't care.
I didn't care about anything anymore. She had made me watch her kill my sister...Dani. It felt like I had been murdering her. I had been looking through her eyes, her twisted malevelont eyes felt like my hands plungng the blade into Dani's small, delicate chest. Straight into her little, beating heart.
And worst of all...I couldn't feel properly sad or angry at DarkLix before she was trapped in the book. I had been stuck in her head and she had felt happy while killing the little girl I loved so dearly.
So I had felt happy too. While my sister was bleeding to death. I. Felt. HAPPY.
I let out a strangled sob, putting my head in my hands letting the strange tears stream down my face like warm, sticky blood.
At that moment I lost it.
Uncontrollable sobs racked my frame, leaving me shaky and dizzy-however hard I tried I couldn't stop the salty tears. They just kept falling.
I let out a scream which was filled with the agony i felt, and only that finally made me get a grip. I breathed in and out, raspy, shallow breaths which made cool oxygen wash into my dead lungs. I didn't need it-but it calmed me down.
Finally, I opened my eyes. But I really wish i hadn't.
I was standing in the same clearing, but I couldn't move...I could only watch the scene unfurling in front of me. The same silvery, flowing material was around me. I was stil trapped. Typical.
I could see the book in front of me, and my lips turned slightly upwards into an almost-smile as I imagined DarkLix cursing inside it, wanting desperately to be free. Ha. See how she likes it.
My almost-smile vanished though as I dragged my eyes away from the ominous black cover as I saw Emmy a few yards away...dragging an unrecognisable figure into the surrounding trees with Mika. Mika's eyes were swollen and red-she had been crying as well. I looked closer at the small blood covered figure...
I shrieked trying to turn away from my dear little sisters mangled remains. But of course...I couldn't move. I tried to look anywhere but at her...but found I could do nothing but stare at the unrecognisable, blood drenched thing that had once been Dani.
She had been stabbed in the heart, and stabbed continually in the head...I didnt remember that. Then I saw her fragile fingers were still wrapped around the hilt of the dagger which she must have used to end her life. She had been so brave. She had ended her life herself...just like me.
Slowly, Dani's frame was completely out of site in the trees and Mika and Emmy came back into the clearing tears falling from their swollen eyes. They were just as devastated as I was.
Then Mika pointed to the book and slowing brought out a slip of paper from her pocket...
Clever, clever Mika! I had given her a slip of paper with the symbol on it when I had told them all what had happened so she could give it to Emmy! I had forgotten. Luckily, she hadn't. Clever little MIka.
Emmy's eyes widened and she nodded quickly and went over to the Book. She whispered something to Mika and she nodded running back to where they hid Dani's body and came back with the blood-soaked knife and quickly handed it to Emmy.
Emmy seemed to struggle under the weight of the heavy knife-being a doll, but she looked determined that she was going to do this.
She carved the symbol into the cover of the book, the blood soaking into the cracks making the symbol more prominent. And they waited, eyes wide with the suspence. The thirty seconds that followed felt like a lifetime, until...
All hell broke loose. Dark, pitch black smoke engulfed the clearing-so thick that you couldn't see a thing. The smoke reeked of blood and burning flesh.
Slowly the choking smoke disapeared. The book had been reduced to ashes, but the mark had been burned into the ground in front of it's remains. Everyone was still and perfectly silent, and now it wasn't only Emmy and Mika in the clearing. Another figure lay on the ground face hidden by her long white hair.
My water-like prison was gone, I was free! But nobody had noticed my presence yet.
Emmy and Mika were still staring at the figure as it slowly stood up revealing her face. As she did so, out of the corner of my eye I saw a dark shadow rush into the trees...but I think I imagined it.
Emmy and Mika were still transfixed by the girl standing before them, there eyes filled with surprise and disbelief. The familiar girl's hair moved slightly in the light breeze and glowed in the soft moonlight.
Finally Emmy spoke up, her voice sounding dry from the thick black fog:
Hi guys! It' here. Hi.
I updated when i said i would, YOU HAPPY?!
I sort of nearly ended it...uh..sorry if you didn't like how i did it with the symbol and the book and everything. I basically just winged it. Sorry if it's bad.
Glitch101's turn next! :3

Hombres LoboSequel to Werewolves. DarkLix is free. No one is safe. She roams the country, killing who she feels like. Only one group can stop her. Join the three well loved character - DarkLix/Martha, Emmy and Katy as Emmy and Katy try to take down DarkLix...