B Day!!

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I walk to my friends and grin at them as they wave at me and huddle up together. Today is Friday! My birthday! I'm finally turning 18!! One of the coolest days ever! Happy birthday to me!!

"Hey!" I say

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM!!!" Val. Jess. Amy, and Steve all shout as I give them all individual hugs.

"Thanks guys! You're the best!" I laugh with everyone else. Val turns around and hands me a gift bag. Aww Valerie!

"It's just a little something. I hope you'll like it Sam!" Val says as she claps her twice quick.

"Thanks Val, and I bet I will!" I say. Val ALWAYS gives each of us amazing and unique gifts for all of our birthdays. For Steve's birthday 2 years ago, she gave him a plant that had 1 dollar bills on all the leaves! Steve got 10 dollars!

"You gonna go anywhere?" Amy asks. I nod.

"I was thinking we could all go to the movies, including Jack." I didn't want Kendall to come at all. But one thing he could at least do is say happy birthday to me, and that's all.

Jessica gasps. "TOTALLY! We should see Non-Stop! You know the one that says every 20 minutes a person is killed on the plane!" Jess says eagerly, which made us all jump back a little.

"Alright, let's go with that plan." Amy said right before the bell rang.

"Later!" We all said to each other, and went our separate ways to first class.



"Are you serious?" Steve asked Valerie.

"Yes! My cat actually walked up the wall, and did not fall!" Valerie stated. I nod my head and point at her, meaing that I believe her. See, I am a good friend. Backing up my friends even if it's something for something crazy/ I'm not like K..e..n..d- you get it!

"Sammy. Don't look now, but this really cute guy is coming up right behind you." Steve said in a white girl voice. I laugh as I turn around to see who it is. Must be Jack!

"Hey Jack! Awesome to see you." Especially on my birthday!

"Hi Sammy." We hug each other and then he sits down next to me. "I got you this. Happy birthday love." Jack hands me one of those little Happy Birthday ballons on a stick, and he also hands me a little stuffed panda bear. I LOVE pandas so much by the way!

"Thanks Jack." I give him a kiss on the cheek and he smiles after I do. I wave the balloon to Steve. "You do such a good white girl voiceee by the way." I compliment him.

"Thanks, I know." Steve says with the white girl voice. But I think he forgot he was still doing it because he coughed. "I mean, thanks." Jess hits him playfully on the arm.

"Oh, I also got you this Sammy." Jack holds up a necklace with red heart on it.

"Jack...it's so pretty." He puts it around my neck, and locks it. I touch the heart. "Thank you." I look him in his eyes, grinning at him as he smiles at me.

"So-" Val begins but Amy immediately interrupts her.

"SO JACK! Did uh, Finn come?" Amy says raising her eyebrows. "AH!" She jumps up as someone tickles her. She turns around. "Finn! I told you to not tickle me, I get scared!" Amy playfully hits him on the shoulder, which makes me laugh, then they both give eachother a kiss on the lips. Aww, they both actually make a ca-yute couple!

"Bye guys." Amy says picking up her backpack as she walks away with Finn, holding hands. Amy turns around again to give us a wave. We all wave back.

"Good thing you have a brother. Or else me and her would aways be fighting over you!" Jess laughs out loud as I saying the last part to Jack. We all just look at her and she just looks at her orange, pretending as if nothing happened.

"Well I better be going." Jack stands up, then I do too.

"Okay, I'll see you later." I say and give him a hug, kissing him softly on the lips. He kisses me on the forhead and we pull apart.

"Yeah. Later everyone!" My friends and I wave to him before he turns around, starting to walk. I sit back down.

"Man, I still can't believe you have somebody and I don't. Plus, we're graduating in 3 months! Time's runnin' out for me." Steve says to me, shaking his head.

"What do you mean time's running out? You've had all year! You dated 5 Junior girls, and 2 Seniors. 7 girls, and none of them were right for you!" Valerie says to Steve. He shrugs his shoulders.

"Right, no one was right for me. I gotta get a girl." Steve picks up his backpack quick. "Wish me luck!" Steve walks away.

"Not gonna!" Val yells for him to hear. Now it's just us girls.

"So, are you and Jack gonna go somewhere after the movies?" Jess asks me. I shrug one of my shoulders. Honestly, I didn't know what was gonan happen after the movies. I thought everyone would leave and Jack and I would go to like...somewhere!

"Uhm..I think so. I was gonna ask if he wanted to head to the walk of fame." I say. Hopefully Jack wanted to go today, or we could go tomorrow.

"Woah, awesome! Take pics and send 'em to me. Oh, take one of Ellen Degeneres'. No, take A LOT of that one!" Val says to me and I nod quick.

"Okay!! Ellen Degeneres, got it!" I laugh with Jess and we continue to eat our lunch. What's tonight gonna be like? Will it even be fun? Awkward? Boring? Nervous? Hopefully it goes good..


( A/N : If you were wondering, I'll explain the time. Jack and Sam met in November. Her birthday is in March. They are graduating in June. So when Jack and Sam met, was 2013. Now this is all taking place in 2014. Got it? Get it guys?? )

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