Dance over Prom

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----Couple Days Later----

I carefully walk to my lunch table where my gang was at. Amy jumps up as she sees me, then Steve, her, and Val come running at me and group hug.

"Oh my gosh Sammy are you okay?!" Amy asks. I haven't seen these guys in a week! I wish Jess was here too, but she had to stay for an extra week and won't come back until NEXT Friday.

"Yeah I'm fine." I snicker and smile as we all walk back to the table.

"What happened? You got scars on your wrists and uh, a couple on your cheek." Val asks as she points at my wrists and cheek.

"Oh, some kid through a baseball in the window and I was sitting next to the window on my phone, and some of the glass stabbed me." I lied. I didn't want to tell them what really happened because it would go EVERYWHERE. And by everywhere, I mean everyone in the school would know about it.

"Ooo, ouch!" Steve mutters as I laugh with him, eating French fries with Amy.

"So, y'all goin to the dance?" Val asks with her 'New York' accent.

"Woah wait huh?! What dance?" Amy asks as she accidentally threw a French fry backwards.

"The one this Friday. It's the last dance for us Seniors. But this isn't the prom one, prom is coming up next week. Or are you guys going to prom instead?" Val explains as she raises her eyebrows at us.

"Well, I'll go to the dance. Not prom." Amy says, casually eating two French fries.

"Forget prom, I don't even care about that. It's all about the dance!" I kind of raise my voice towards the end.

"Ye-yah!" Steve shouts as he high fives Amy and I.

"What? You guys, go to prom! Imma be the DJ!" Valerie says as she pats her hands on the table three times.

"Sorry but, the three of us aren't going. We'll just go to the dance." Amy shrugs her shoulders.

"Any of ya know what the theme for the dance is?" Steve asks as he looks at us.

"50's theme." Valerie replied. Val is always trying to get us to go to dances or school events. I understand I mean she's in ASB, so she has to sell sell sell!

"Seriously? Man, should've been like...a blackout or whatever it's called. You know when you wear white and then some light turns them light purplish." Amy complains. Huh, that would have been a good idea.

"Sorry, most of the class voted for 50's." Val shrugs her shoulders.

"Well, Steve, do you have a girl yet?" I ask him.

"Psh, no." Steve pouts folding his arms and resting them on the table. "Man we're graduating in 3 weeks! I GOTTA get a girl by then!" Steve says as he pouts still.

"At least Amy and I won't be alone at the dance. We got our baes!" I high five Amy.

"Don't, Sam!" Val puts her hand out. "If somebody says bae ONE MORE TIME I am going to strangle someone!" Val yells out loud. Haha, bae has like completely taken over the school!


I take a breath and knock on Jack's door. Right now, I was going to ask him if he would come to the dance with me. I'm absolutely sure he would say yes, but my mind was telling me to make sure. He opens the door and smiles as he sees me.

"Hey love, I knew it would be you." Jack says and holds my hand.

"Hey Jack, I was wondering if you could come with me to the school dance tomorrow." I ask kind of shyly.

"Definitely. Is there a theme with it?" He asks, I nod my head.

"It's 50's themed." I say as I snicker a little bit.

"That's cool." Jack says and I nod my head.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I say and turn around, but turn back around immediately hugging Jack. I let go and turn around, walking back to my apartment. I'm getting pretty excited for this dance tomorrow!

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