Starry Night

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I say bye to my mom as she drops me off. I head directly to my friends. I think my outfit looks alright. I just put on grey skinny jeans, a purple shirt, a green jacket, and black Converse.

"Hey guys! I got BIG news!" I say to my friends as I grin.

"What is it, what is it?!" Anna asks eagerly as she grins too.

"Okay...this might sound crazy..but last night I met...JACK HARRIES!" I say and cover my mouth with my hands. The four of them just look at each other,, then me.

I uncover my mouth. "You guys, don't believe me?" They all shake their head in response.

"Guys! I'm not making it up I swear! I met Jack Harries!! I talked to him!! We ate hamburgers together!! He walked me to my house!!" I explain to them, but they still don't say anything.

The bell rings. Great! I don't think I could've stand here in front of these people for another minute.

"Fine. I'll see you guys at lunch." I say kind of madly, and walk past them to my first period. I give a glare to Kendall as I walk past him. He's my best friend. He should've believed me!

7 Hours Later

I put my backpack on a chair and jump on my bed. I stare at my posters. Aaah. "My love, I'm gonna see you tonight! YAY!!!" I jump off my bed and walk into my closet, deciding what to wear.

1 Hour And A Half Later

It's 7:25. Eh, guess I should wait out there. I grab what I need, head down, and out, waiting to the front of my house. I hope what I'm wearing isn't too much. I put on black skinny jeans, purple and black striped shirt, and purple Converse.

I hold my jacket with my hands that I brought just in case it got cold. I see Jack coming and smile as soon as I see him. Here comes my cute Jack!

"Hey Jack." I wave to him.

"Hey Sammy. I was thinking we could go to the park and watch the stars for a while." Jack says.

"Ooh, sounds cool. I'd love to do that!" I respond to Jack.

"Awesome." Jack says and we begin to walk to the park.

"I hope this isn't boring for you. We can go watch watch a movie instead if you want." He tells me.

"No, no, this is fine. I like to look up at the stars. It's relaxing." I say as I look up and see the moon, then look ahead.

He nods. "Yeah, I like to look at stars too. Especially when they twinkle, that's the best part." He laughs, and I laugh with him too.

We arrive at the park and sit down on the grass as we look up at the stars.

"So, Sammy, who are you?" He asks me.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Like who are you. Tell me a little bit about yourself."

I nod, "Oh. Okay, well..I'm Samantha Hawk. I'm 17 and a half. I'm going to graduate in 6 months. I plan to become a.-" Wait I can't say vlogger. "-a writer. And I plan to have a lifestyle that will suit me perfectly in the future." I answer his question.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Well, you already know since your a huge super duper mega fan of mine. So you must know everything about me." He says.

I chuckle. "Okay, that is not true." I protest.

"Really?" He snickers. "What's my name?"

"Jackson Frayne Harries." I answer.

Jack thinks of another question. "When is my birthday?"

"May 13th, 1993."

"What's my YouTube channel called?"

"Uh, JACKSGAP!" I say. That was a trick question!

Jack laughs. "Now you believe me?"

I moan. "Yeah, I do." We both laugh. I lay down after he lays down, and continue looking at the stars. We then talk about the stars that twinkled, and some stars we thought blinked but didn't. I cover myself with my jacket, feeling a little cold. Good thing I brought my jacket...although I brought my leather one.

I look to my left and see Jack taking off his sweater. He puts it on top of me. I smile and close my eyes.

Dreamy Jack (A Jack Harries Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now