Saving Grace

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After Taylor's sister, Karlie, commits suicide, Taylor's life turns itself upside down. She's in complete shambles and that's not even the beginning. The once, perky, upbeat, see the best in everyone, twenty one year old is now only being held together by bits and pieces of memories her sister and her shared. Taylor even dropped out of photography school which was once her passion and is now just a side thought. She's moved back into her parents house located just outside of Nashville but everywhere she looks she's reminded of the devastating death of Karlie. Her parents don't talk about it, and pretended like Karlie never even existed which in a way tears Taylor apart more. Taylor doesn't know what to do with herself anymore, she's broken to say the least. Broken relationships are all she has left. Her boyfriend left her, saying she hasn't been the same girl he met in college. Her best friend is in school most the time and has her own issues. Taylor is broken and left alone.

Until Harry comes along. And despite his not so nice past, Taylor indulges herself into this mystery boy. He's got many questions for her, and she's got just as many answers. And maybe, in a way, he just might be her Saving Grace.


So I got this idea and I just wanted to put it down before I forgot. Lemme know what y'all think. And if Winding Wheel doesn't work out I'll throw myself into this one. Thanks guys. 😘


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