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Monday nights are usually when my dad works his hardest. He was getting older, though, so Harry often offered to take over and let him come home. But it was already ten and my dad wasn't home. Mom was sick with the cold and called it an early night. So I was in the living room, eating left over pizza and watching chick flics while Meredith nibbled on whatever I pulled off and gave her.

The door creeks open and I hear my father sigh. "Dad?"

"Hey hunny. How are ya?"

"Good." I smile and he turns on the lights. "Why are you home so late?"

"Had to stay and get these outta town visitors their truck on the road. Didn't get er done til about twenty minutes ago."

I tap the couch and make some room. "I've got pizza." Dad laughs and joins me. "Why didn't Harry do it? I don't like you working that hard."

"I'm sure he would have if he had of been at work today!" He takes pizza from the box and starts eating.

"What do you mean?"

"Haven't you talked to him?" I grab my phone from the table and search for messages or missed calls. But I have no notifications. "He called me this morning. Said he wasn't gonna be in today. Didn't know for how long. Figured he was with you. Or at least, was talking to you."

I shake my head, "I haven't heard anything. Was he okay? Did he sound alright?" I feel a lump in my throat that's highly disagreeing. I can almost feel my lips chafing.

"I don't know, hun. Maybe you should try calling him."

I stand, "yeah, I'm gonna do that right now." I walk into the kitchen and take a seat at the table. I stare down at the little black heart on my wist, praying for him to be alright. Taking a deep breath I dial Harry and it goes right to his message. I hang up and try again. Same thing. Third times a charm? Nope, just a message. "Hey babe, it's me. Dad just got home and said you weren't at work today... I hope everything is alright. Give me a call when you get this. I love you."

I put my phone down and run my hands through my hair, stress weighing on my shoulders. Harry always answered his phone. In the whole 3 months I've never had to call back. Maybe I was over reacting and his phone died. Calling his aunts house was a risk cause she was usually in bed by now. But I couldn't chance it. I dial her number and wait. Ring after ring. And then the message. I hand up and toss my phone, trying to gain my composure. Where was Harry. And why wasn't he answering. I saw him yesterday and he seemed fine, he wasn't sick. And even if he was sick he would've called me. I know he would've.

I don't know what to think and the possibilities are endless. Maybe he got in a car crash. But then again? He wouldn't have been able to call dad. And surly his aunt would've known and she would've called me. There wasn't a reasonable explanation for this. I grab my phone and start typing out words to Harry. Anything that comes from my mind. Praying that he's okay and that I love him. I send it without reading and wait for the little 'delivered' note to pop up. But it doesn't.

That's when I fall apart and run out of the kitchen and through the house and to my keys, throwing on flip flops and finding my way to the door. Where could he be? This didn't make sense. Why would he call into work and say he didn't know when he would be back. I start driving around town. Thinking maybe he went to the diner, but he wasn't there. I checked the movie theatre, he wasn't there. The corner store, nope. The bar, that place was dead without a sole in sight. There was no logical place he could be. I went to the field that we almost got arrested in, wasn't there either. None of this made any kinda sense.

The last place to go is his aunts. If something was wrong I needed to know. And if something was wrong... Well then I guess I looked like a crazy attached girl friend. But really... I had to do what I thought was right before us broke down. I drive to the house and Boots is pulled up on the side where it always was. This was either very good or very had. And I was hoping good. I take a deep breath before walking to the door. All the lights are off and I don't hear anything. I rattle at the door softly then wait a moment. Nothing. So I knock a little harder. Nothing. One more time. Maybe they just didn't hear the first few. I knock. Waiting. And waiting. Trying not to loose hope.


I turn to the steps and put my head in my hands. Where was his? I try calling him again and just like the last time it's a message. Tears creep into my eyes. "Harry, baby. Where are you. I've looked all over town, I've spent the last two hours searching. Where are you. I need you. I need to know you're okay. You told me you wouldn't leave. You told me you loved me, Harry. You told me forever. You can't... go." I break down and tears crash out of my eyes like a tsunami.

"Taylor, darling, are you alright?" I turn around and see ms. Maylor standing in her nightgown.

I stand and nearly loose my balance. "I'm so sorry, Ms. Maylor! I didn't mean to wake you. I'm just worried about Harry, he won't answer my calls or texts. His phone goes right to message. I've searched all around town and he wasn't at work today. This isn't like him, please tell me he's in there."

"Oh sweetie." She reaches out and I take her hands for comfort. "Harry went back home."

"B-b-back home?" My eyebrows raise and I feel flushed. "Like, North Carolina?"

She nods, "something came up and he had to go back home to Greensboro this morning. He didn't call you?" I shake my head.

"When is he coming back?" I have to choke back more tears.

"I don't know, dear. It was an emergency. He might not come back. I don't know for sure."

"He's safe though, that's the main thing. He's okay?" She nods. "Okay." I have to shuffle back tears and chokes. "Tell him to call me if you talk to him, alright?"

"Of course."

"I'm sorry for waking you," I say turning and starting to walk. "Thanks for the help."

When I get home it's already nearing one in the morning and all this stress was making my exhaustion worse. What could be so important that he calls my dad and not me? What's up with that? How was that his place. When you're committed to someone you're supposed to tell them these things. You can't just get matching tattoos a week earlier and then leave. You don't do that to a person you love.

I crawl up the stairs and as mad as I am at Harry, I need him more than ever right now. I need his hug and his kiss and rightfully so, his love. I need him. I pull out the Us The Duo shirt from the door he had made his and change into it. It smells just like him. And when I close my eyes I can almost feel his arms around me. It doesn't make up for the fact that he left, though. Left without telling me. I understand that under circumstances you have to go but maybe if had if told me I could've went with him, maybe I could've helped. I just don't understand why he didn't tell me. Maybe he was hiding something. Maybe what we had wasn't so perfect after all.

I'm sleepless for the rest of the night. Staring at the little inked heart on my wrist. My mind racing, trying to figure out an explanation. I was mad, but at the same time I wasn't. I felt more... Hurt. Betrayed. Because when someone says forever, shouldn't they keep their word?


Second update today!!! So freakin happy! I love you guys and I love your enthusiasm with this story!!! Thanks for the love!!!

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