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The long weekend leaves Harry and I more in love. If that was even possible. It was Monday in the early evening and we were going to have dinner with my parents tonight before they left for a cruise. We made sure to make the drive home as long as we possibly could. Stoping at any and every bakery or had station that came into view.

I pull my legs from Harry's lap as my house comes into sight. "I can't believe this weekend is over." I pout, turning down the accompanied music of Merry Go Round by Kacey Musgraves.

"I know." He says, "back to work tomorrow." The truck stops in the driveway and I lean over and tap my lips gently to his cheek.

"This weekend couldn't have been any better." I smile and take his hand. "All good things must come to an end, but it doesn't mean there won't be another."

"We'll make sure there's another!" He laughs and turns to kiss me softly. We both get out of the truck and reconnect hands in front as we walk towards the door. There's a car parked over in front and it doesn't really look familiar. "I didn't know we weren't the only company."

"Me either." I shrug, not really putting too much thought into it. Most likely it was probably one of mom's friends from the Volunteer Committee. We push through the doors and I call out. "We're home!" I kick off my cowboy boots and dance through the hallways until I see my parents in the backyard. I find it odd they didn't hear us drive up. "Mom! Dad! Hey!" I say, walking through the glass doors and I stumble back at who I see. "Austin?! Oh my god!" I run and jump into the arms of my much bigger and taller, younger brother. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

Austin laughs as he squeezes me, standing up straighter so my feet lift a little bit. "I finished the year earlier than I thought. Finished my exams. So I came down to surprise you!" I fall from his hug and scruff his hair.

"You look good little brother." I chuckle smiling up at him.

"All thanks to this one." He grins beside him and it's only now that I realized there's a young girl with light hair with us. Austin reaches out and she takes his hand.

She's smaller, shorter than me and she cradles herself into my brother before sticking out her hand. "I'm Stephanie. Very nice to meet you! I've heard so much about you!"

I turn cold and the touch of Harry's hand to my shoulder sends me thawing. "You okay?" He asks and I nod slightly kind of dazed. Way too confused on this subject.

"Austin, this is Harry! The one we told you about! The charming fella that's dating Taylor!" Dad is way to excited and I excuse myself from the scene.

"Taylor! What's going on! Are you alright?" I hold my forehead with my eyes closed as Harry ushers to my side.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Babe, I know I haven't known you all that long but I can tell if something's wrong." He pulls at my hands that covers my eyes. "What's wrong. Tell me."

"That bitch out there," I huff, opening my eyes to stare into Harry, "that bitch tormented me everyday of highschool for two years until one day when she pushed me into the pool. Karlie flipped shit when she found out. And I don't even know how she did it, but the following week, Stephanie was no longer a bottle blonde. Homegirl got something in her hair and it dyed it orange. So she cut it it an inch long all around her head. Not once did she ever talk to me again."

Harry's eyebrows are raised. "Are you sure that's her?"

I wipe tears and roll my eyes. "You never forget a girl that looks at you, dead serious as she pours a vodka slushy down your white lace dress."

"It seamed like she didn't know you, though. That's strange."

"You really think she's gonna admit to harassing me for two years when she's dating my brother? If she even likes him." I roll my eyes and shudder at the thought of him even kissing that thing. My poor little brother.

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