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Sun shine in my eyes as they slowly crack open, which of course only forces them back closed. I hardly even remembered where I was until I felt the grasp of Harry holding my hip. My head lifts and my eyes open, Harry sleeps silently with his lips slightly parted. He looks so kissable, just lying there without a care in the world. So just like any girl would, I kiss him. Half asleep and not fully aware of my actions, but I kiss him. And he kisses me back. "Well good morning." His raspy voice moans. He takes a fist full of hair then proceeds to run his hand along to the back of his neck.

"Your cute when you're sleeping." I say, rubbing my thumb along his jawline.

"Am I now?" He raises an eyebrow before kissing me again. "I must say, Taylor, you kiss even better when you're sleepy."

"Do I now?" I mock him but he just kisses me again. This time I'm much more awake and it's much longer. He slides his hand up my shirt and it gets higher, his kiss intensifies. "Hey there bad boy," I push his hand back down and pulling out of the kiss. "You're not getting second base this early in the day."

He rolls his eyes and leans down to kiss me again, "oh come on, Tay." He whispers, taking my bottom lip in his, "not even a little bit?" His hand runs up my side and he sneaks his finger under the side of my bra. "Come on now," he says lightly while hardly even kissing me. Giving me a tease I've never been accustomed to. "You know you want me to." I'm still lying on top of him, it would be so easy to stop. But I don't. I just lie close to him and let him do as he please. His lips tingle against mine and his fingers manage their way around my bra until they find the clasp which thankfully doesn't take long.

This was the farthest I'd gone with Harry. And it's not that I was nervous of him or us or anything like that. I think it was just the nerves of letting a new guy into my life. He's gentle though, and so precious. I just hold myself close to him, fear of letting him go. My bra straps fall loose and my bra hangs at the edge of my shirt and he hand starts to mold to me. I let out a small squeal into his kiss and he turns to move his lips to my neck. "You love this." His voice comes out a raspy whisper as he holds on to me tighter. I bite my lip hard and I breathe heavy.

"H-ha-Har." I breathe out heavily. "No more. Please?" My hand pushes back against his chest and I stare into his sparkling green eyes.

He seems worried and then asks if he hurt me. "Are you okay? What's wrong."

I shake my head, "I'm fine. I just... I don't do this." I whisper, looking away. Before I even thought about letting Milo touch me he had to wait months. "I don't do this without commitment."

"I'm sorry that was stupid," he props himself up, shaking his head. "I was out of it. Sorry. I had a beautiful girl lying on top of me and I wasn't thinking." He licks his lips, "forgive me?"

I nod, and push my straps back up my shoulders and clasp up the back. Leaning towards him from my now seated position I kiss his tender lips. "I never said I didn't want commitment." I smile softly. "I really like you Harry." I move from his lips and push my forehead against his.

"I really like you, Taylor." He smiles widely. "I like what we have."

"Me too." I nod. "It's different."

"Should we take that step?" He asks and I know what he's asking. He wants to kiss me deeply, openly. He wants to be able to touch me without hesitation.

I run my tongue against my teeth and back away. "I don't want to just get into this because you want sex."

Harry shakes his head, "what the hell are you talking about, Taylor?"

"I want commitment. A relationship. Not just sex. I'm not like that. I don't do that." I say somewhat defensive.

His chest jumps with a deep breath. "I'm not like that!" Harry shakes his head and takes another breath. "My last girlfriend I was with for five years. I don't bed hop. That's not me." I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Trusting someone is so hard and it takes time. But, for someone that I've known for such a short time, I'm ready. Dare I say it, I lo- "so what do you think? What's going on in that pretty little mind?" His fingers push tussled hair behind my ear.

I nod, slightly, but aggressively. "What happens when you leave. What happens then?" he holds my hand and squeezes it.

"What makes you think I'm leaving?"

I scoff somewhat, accidentally on purpose. "You're here for the summer, you said it for yourself!"

"We'll deal with that when it comes." He says but in my defence I have reason.

"I said I want commitment. Not a summer fling." I sigh and rest my eyes close. To my lips, I'm surprised with a kiss. I feel his arms tangle around my waist. He's bigger than I. Much stronger too. His fingers nearly match the placing of my ribs. He starts kissing me harder and deeper until he just stops.

"Did that feel like a summer fling. Long distance relationships work. It's a thing, Taylor." I sigh and he takes my chin in his hand. "Please?"

I smile before pecking his lips softly. "Alright," I say, "we can give it a go."

Harry laughs and tackles me so he's propped himself on my lap. His lips dangle above mine, his forehead pressed against me. "So can I call you my girlfriend then?" He raises an eyebrow and I nod.

"I'd like that very much."


It's been two weeks since Harry and I became official. Two charming weeks, I'll add. It makes him seem much more... Confident, I guess you could say. He's such a lovely person and I honestly couldn't imagine a better boyfriend. My phone rings and I put down the blue nail polish to pick up the phone and only resume to doing my toenails. "Hey babe." I say with a smile as my chin balances against my knee. "What up?"

"Not much, you?"

"Meh!" I laugh.

"So I was wondering... Okay so I got home from work tonight and my aunt had some pretty cool offer. Next weekend I have off, as well as the Monday and Friday, so my Aunt said we could have the Cabin out by Memphis for the weekend. There's a nice little lake, we could go swimming and horse back riding."

"Oh, Harry, wow." The thought sounded amazing but as I actually began to process this I wasn't sure if I liked it. A whole weekend with Harry sounded wonderful but we hadn't shared a night together since the truck that one day and well, I guess that didn't end too badly. But Harry and I... Sleeping in the same bed, it just didn't sound like the most... Resisting place to be.

"Look, you can say no if you want but I think this will be really fun. Just us. No work, no side tracked thoughts. Just us and some good old nature." I think he can tense my nerves through the line of the phone cause I can hear him sigh and can only imagine the rolling of hand through his hair. "We haven't done anything really coupley since we made things official and I think we need to ring in our relationship." He definitely had a point. There wasn't much to do where we were. Except the movies and diner. We didn't live In the heart of Nashville, not even near it. We lived in a small town where hardly anyone even remembered the name.

"Alright. Okay." I say, closing the lid of the nail polish. "If that's what you want, we'll do it."

"Great! This will be great, I promise!" He laughs and that alone sends me smiling.

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