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Hey guys. So the next few chapters, they'll be in Harry's point of view. Hope you guys still like the story! Sorry to throw that on you lol. Blame BROOKE. (Jk don't.)

*Harrys POV*

"It's six am... Who the hell calls at six am?" I drag my hand along the side table and swipe it open. "Hello?" I groan. "This better be a life or death situation, cause it's six am and I am not a morning person..."

"Um, Harry... It's... Britany."

"Britany? Why the hell are you calling?" I sit up a bit in bed and look over at Annie, sprawled out, still sleeping. "I've been to your house numerous times and you won't talk to me then... Why now?"

"Harry... It's Taylor. Taylor... She's..." Britany pauses and I feel my spine tighten. Her voice sways. "Taylor's at the hospital Harry... She's not... She's not okay."

"What? What do you mean?" Everything in my body goes numb.

"I'll explain when you get here, the doctors won't tell us anything until a family member or emergency contact is here."

I don't know how to respond.

"Please Harry, I know you're upset with Taylor, but... But you need to get here. Now."

I close my eyes tight, thoughts racing through my mind. "What hospital?"

"Saint Thomas."

"Okay I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Oh, and Harry..."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"I'm sorry."

I don't have time for what should've happened so I end the phone call, I wake up Annie, trying to not sound too distressed. She rubs her little eyes and slowly sits up. "Where are we going, daddy? What's wrong?"

I take a deep breath. "We're going to the hospital, baby."

"Why? Are you sick?"

I shake my head.

"Am I sick?"

I shake my head again and whisper a 'on' while trying to get changed and put a belt through my jeans.

"Then why."

"Taylor... Mommy." I can't look back at her, I'm scared of the response I'll get so I just tell her to hurry up and get dressed then meet me downstairs.

I finish getting ready, and it's only been about five minutes since I talked to Britany, not too bad. "Annie! Come on now! Let's go!" I call, running down the stairs, looking back.

"Dad." She laughs, sitting on the bottom step with her jacket and boots already on and handing me an elastic. "Can you please put my hair up?" I fiddle with it, and finally get it so it looks presentable. I slip on my shoes and coat and we're out the door, finding our way to Saint Thomas Hospital.

When we arrive, I don't hesitate to rush through the doors in a frenzy. Annie at hand, trying to keep up. "My girlfriend." I say, arriving at the desk. Looking down at one of the volunteers. "She's here, I guess. I don't know really."

"Okay, do you know if she arrived by ambulance?"

I shake my head, "no idea."

"Okay, do you know when she arrived?"

I shake again, "no, I don't know anything, can you please just find her." I rustle my hand through my hair in anxiety. "Her name is Taylor Swift, she's sick, I don't know what else to say."

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