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"BABE WE GOT IT!" Harry screams as he runs through the hotel doors, swooping me up and spinning me around, just like one of those chessey rom coms. His grip at my waist is so tight and I can barely breathe but I manage to squeeze out excitement.

He sets me down and his lips fall into mine. The movement is so fast and unthought of but it happens. I match his kiss until he pulls away with the widest grin on his face. "We got the Levi house?!" I say more as a statement than as a question.

Harry just nods, "we got the Levi house!" He then kisses me again, pushing his hand through my hair until he's holding me against him.

"We're moving?!" Annie pulls at Harry until he lifts her in his arms the smoothing out some chocolate on the corner of her mouth. "What about my toys?! And my stuffies?! What about my bed?"

"We'll go back and get it, don't you worry!" I smile and tap her nose. Her face crinkles as she giggles.

"So when do we sign?"


I can do nothing but kiss him, it's a good thing I do that best. If you had of asked me six months ago if I was going to meet a guy who has a daughter and fall in love, and buy a house and take the role of mother this summer... I would've thought you were crazy. We decided that we weren't moving in for a few weeks. It would take that much time to get our stuff pulled together and packed. We would fly back to North Carolina after the summer, pack up Harry's house in some moving truck and we'd drive back to my hometown, then straight to Nashville.

The following day takes longer than usual to come around. The excitement of owning my own home with Harry was extremely nerve racking but exhilarating. This was my future. My family. And even though there were some bumps... I think we figured out where we were headed. When the pen hits the dotted line it's like I'm nearly signing away my life. But I'm okay with it. I know it's stupid to say, but I have tears in my eyes as Harry signs off his name. I grasp his hand tightly, our fingers lacing together. His lips press into my temple and I close my eyes so slowly, taking a deep breath and savouring the moment.

By the time we arrive back to my parents, it's dinner time and Annie was restless. I had mentioned before that Annie didn't always seem like a five year old. That she seemed older and more wise beyond her years. But when it came to long sweaty drives when she was hungry and bored, of course she was going to whine. Sometimes we just forget how young she is, even Harry.

It was after dinner and my mom was giving Annie a bath. She was in a natural heaven with Annie. She finally had a little girl who looked up to her like nobody else. I was cleaning up and putting away the left overs while dad and Harry were out back talking about one thing or another.

Not that I was a overly attached girlfriend, and had to know everything about everything, but it's not my fault that the kitchen window was open and I was drying dishes. "She means a lot to me, Scott." Harry ruffles his hand through his hair then his hands meet together as he balances his elbows on his thighs.

"I can see that. And she thinks the world of you, too." The smile on Harry's face is so precious it's hard to not look. I blush.

"Ya know, Taylor, she's really special. I don't think there's anyone out there like her. And I find that really intriguing. She's so... Simple yet so extravagant. Like... She knows what she wants and I think that's really beautiful."

"She definitely is special. I'm so glad you see in her, what we do."

Harry licks his lips. "Scott, Sir, I know I've only known Taylor for several months. But within those several you've brought me into your family. I would like to ask for your blessing to take the next step."

The next step? I stumble backwards and have to catch myself. The next step usually meant marriage. He wanted to get married? Now? Didn't it seem too... Soon? I swallow and my throat feels like sand paper. "Of course! Harry! We would love for you to officially be apart of our family, you and Annie!" I put the last of the dishes away and scurry up into my bedroom before either of them realize my presence.

I sit on the bed with my knees to my chest. I've imagined getting married since I could remember. A white dress with cowboy boots and my Prince Charming. Everything would be perfect. But how Harry had figured that now was the right time... We had known each other four months... And although those four months had been beautiful and amazing and heart glazing... Was it really the right thing? Marriage? Now?

My thoughts wisp me away and I have to figure out a way to discourage this thought without him knowing I know. There had to be a way to make him change his mind without me just saying 'no!' It's like the idea hits me like a brick the moment Harry walks into the bedroom.

"Hey beautiful." Harry says, dimpled smile, walking over to the bed, leaning over to kiss me.

"Hey you."

"Where's Annie?" He flops on the bed beside me.

"In the guest room. With a bag of twizzlers."


I smirk and pick up the magazine on my beside table, flipping through pages. "I wanted to show you something!" I say lightly and he pushes himself farther onto the bed, kissing my shoulder while I search. "Okay so you know the Kardashions, right?"

"Mmmhmmmmm." He mumbles against my skin, pulling down the strap of my tank top.

"Well... Kourtney... The short one... She's getting married. For like the third time. And like she's only known the guy like three months." Harry stops kissing my shoulder and I continue. "She has two little kids. Ones five and the other is like three. I just think it's crazy."

"Why?" Harry sits up a little straighter and pulls the magazine from my lap.

"Well, I mean. As a parent it's your duty to take care of your children. Do what's best for them. And don't you think that's a little too short amount of time to just... Give your kids to some guy??"

"Well, he's not some guy, clearly. Kourtney obviously loves him and think he's a good fit."

"That's not the point, you're not getting it." I lick my lips. "We've been together for what, four months? I mean, you trust me with Annie and such but we're constantly learning new stuff about each other. Don't you think it would be weird to just hop on it and get married right now?"

"I don't get it. Isn't love the main thing here. If they love eachother it shouldn't matter."

"True. But like... What if this guy turns out to be some like... Mass murderer?!"

"I doubt he's a mass murderer, Taylor." Har rolls his eyes and chuckles.

"Kourtney doesn't know that!" I defend and I feel my objection slipping.

"Okay, Tay." Har kisses my temple.

"Well, do you think we should get married now?" He shrugs. "I think we should wait at least a year."

Harry just shrugs and then pushes me into the bed, planting a sweet kiss at my lips. "What's with all this talk, anyway?" He laughs and kisses me again.

I shrug. "I don't know. Ask Kourtney."


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