Photo Albums

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-1 year later-

"Mom..." I say trying to catch my mothers attention from the television that airs. "Mom." I say a bit louder in hopes she'll hear.

She pauses the tv, and moves over so there's room for myself on the love seat but I deny. "What's up hun."

Being here in general makes me uneasy. Here meaning my parents place. The place where Karlie and I grew up. And everywhere I look I'm reminded of her, which I don't disagree with completely, but at times it makes it harder. Moving back here had to be one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make. But when Milo broke up with me and I dropped out of school, I didn't have another place to go. So really I'm lucky to be anywhere at all. "Have you seen that photo album from our vacation to Hawaii when I was eleven? I can't find it."

Mom licks her lips and shakes her head. "I'm not sure, hun. It might be in the spare room or downstairs. You could check there. Is that all you needed?"

"What about from the one Christmas Auntie Jane stayed with us?"

She shrugs. "Same place. What's the need in the albums now? Those were so long ago."

"Organizing." I smile softly which is partially true. I'm categorizing all the photo albums into vacations, holidays, special events like birthdays, baby photos, weddings, anniversarys. And from there I'm making a scrapbook completely about Karlie and I. The next step will to actually drag myself out to the craft store, after all, Karlie deserves the best of the best.

"Alright, well good luck finding them." I go to walk away but she stops me. "Oh, and you remember Mrs Mayler right?"

"From the bakery? Dad used to give her free oil changes in return for our birthday cakes right?"

"Yeah that's her. Mrs. Mayler's nephew is staying the summer here in Nashville, needs time away from home I guess and needs the extra money. He'll be working with your father in the shop and possibly around here too with some of the old trucks dad's got parked out back. It'll be nice if you could show him around town."

"Oh dear, I don't know mom. Isn't that kinda... Immature anyway?" I shrug. Since Karlie's passing I don't do much anymore. I mean, I even left school. Being in crowds gives me social anxiety, I can't imagine being with someone I don't even know.

"He's twenty six and just looking for some extra work. You ain't gotta do much Taylor. Just show him around."

I roll my eyes, "is that something Austin can't do? Last time I checked he had two legs and a mouth."

"Your father and I don't ask much of you. In fact, we don't ask anything of you. The least you can do is follow through with one thing we ask. Plus, it'll be good for you to get out."

We hold eye contact and she's got a strong firm. My mom was right. She didn't ask much of me but to clean up after myself which I already did. "Alright, I'll show him around. But that's it. Okay?"

She nods and a smile shines. "That's all I want babe."

I drift off into the spare room in attempt to find the photos I've been searching for. I hadn't picked up my camera in months... But it didn't stop my love for pictures. Pictures was mine and Karlie's thing. Ever since I can remember, I had the camera and Karlie was infront of it. Something about capturing my sisters lively outlook on life just made me so incredibly happy. We pushed each other into who we became I guess you could say. My picture taking pushed her into modelling, and her posing pushed me into photography. But without my sister here with me, it's impossible for me to go on.

After another hour of searching, I find the photo albums I've been looking for and more. And so I begin my reminiscing from my easy days. I burry myself in the middle of my bed, flipping page after page of our vacation in Hawaii. I was eleven and Karlie was about fourteen. She was old enough to look decent in a bikini and I was flat chested with nothing but hopes I would look like my sister at some point or another. This picture in particular is my favourite, we're at the side of the beach and I was getting pretty tired. Karlie had pulled me up on her back and I have a camera in my hands as she carries me along the shore. That was probably one of my favourite days...


Alright guys! Lemme know what you think so far! I know it's not all that long but it'll fall I to place I promise.

Oh and BROOKE has a new fanfic called the Fallout and it's pretty awesome!!!! FanficsbyBrooke Love you all!


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