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Blessed was an understatement. What I did to deserve Harry was beyond me. Since a few days ago when I told him what happened, he's been determined to get us out of here. He's been building plan after plan of where we're going to live, if we should buy or rent, should we stay in TN or move to NC. This would scare most girls off, but me... It just made me love him more.

"Okay, I've figured out another option." He clears his throat and I turn over to my side.

"Shoot!" For the past hour he's been jotting down some master plan on paper.

"We stay here until the end of the summer and then you come back to Charlotte with me. We'll stay in the place I have for a few months, my lease is over in January. Then we can move back to TN. Instead, we'll move to Memphis. You can get a job with your photos and I'll get a job at some restaurant. Then, once we're on or feet, we'll move to Nashville and buy our own place. Your clients will follow you and I'll work wherever they'll take me. And eventually I'll open up my own bakery. How does that sound?!"

I rub Harry's cheek with the back of my hand. "It sounds perfect." I lean into him and press our lips gently together.

"We'll get married and have a family. We'll be happy."

"I'm already happy." I say with a smirk.

"Are you?"

I nod, "Extremely."

Harry's cell rings from the side table and he leans over and grabs it. "Shit, sorry babe, I've gotta take this."

"No prob," I rub his shoulder and he jumps out of bed, leaving the bedroom and closing the door behind him. I didn't think anything of it and turned to netflix to see what was happening there. I decided upon a cheesy romance movie that had three stars. It was either going to be really good, or really bad. And I loved to take the chance. Harry is gone 15 minutes before he comes back, and I'm already tired. He pushes his phone into the side table drawer and leaps into bed, kissing my head and apologizing for taking so long. "Who was it?"

"Jack. One of the guys that's covering for me back home. He was having troubles with the till and I was his last resort."

"All figured out?"

"Yup. He shouldn't bug us anymore."

"Good." I whisper and turn to the tv, hitting play then snuggling into Harry. He's playing with my hair and his hand glides down my side and then he hesitates. His hand goes back to my hair and I look up. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, watch the movie, it's starting!"

"Harry." I tap his chest and he doesn't look at me. "Harry!" Again, he just stares above my forehead and I practically have to force him into looking at me. "What is wrong."


I sit up and in front of him so he's forced to look at me. "Harry I'm not stupid. I know that game. I created that game. Nothing means there is absolutely something wrong and I'm too scared to tell you." His eyes are blank. Staring at me or maybe even through me. "Please."

"I've got you and that's all that matters." Harry's hand finds it's way to mine. "Everything is okay. Everything is great! I mean, look at me! I've got the most beautiful girl in the world in my bed. What could be wrong about this?"

I want to believe that's nothing is wrong but I know that feeling all too well. I know that he's hiding something, or he's uncomfortable with something. Maybe it's me. Maybe he's scared of me. Maybe he thinks I'm crazy... Just like everyone else does. "You would tell me, right? You would tell me if something is wrong between us, right?"

Saving Grace {Haylor}Where stories live. Discover now