Next of Kin Chapter 3 - You Gotta Have Faith

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Maggie took a sip of her champagne as she slipped into the hot tub next to Alex. "Now tell the truth. Isn't this better than hunting down aliens in National City?"

"Better?" Alex leaned back in the hot tub, smiling at her girlfriend. "Maybe comparable."

"Comparable? This is comparable, Danvers?" Putting the champagne on the edge of the tub, Maggie slid closer and asked, "So last night was it comparable when I ...?" Maggie whispered in Alex's ear.

Alex's eyebrows rose up, higher and higher, with each word that Maggie said. As little giggles escaped, and Maggie finally nibbled on her earlobe, Alex turned and kissed the other woman soundly before replying, "Ah, no. That ... that was much, much better. At least, I think it was. Maybe I need you to do that again to be sure."

"You need me to do that one more time?"

Holding up two fingers, Alex said, "Maybe twice, better make that three times," Alex added as she also added a third finger.

"Three times? Damn, Danvers, get you out of National City, and you actually know how to have fun. Who would have thought it?"

"Mmmm, get me alone with you, and I certainly know how to have fun."

They kissed again, Alex pulling Maggie on top of her. The kiss grew, hands sliding all over each other's body, and Alex was wondering if Maggie could do that thing in a hot tub. She wasn't sure, but she was certainly willing to give it a try.


The voice startled both Alex and Maggie, making them both jump and turn. J'onn J'oonz stood in their hotel room's bathroom, watching them and waiting.

"J'onn!?" Alex shook her head while Maggie slid more of her body back under the water. "What the hell are you doing here!?"

"Come with me. We have an emergency," J'onn replied.

"No. I'm on vacation."

"I understand that. I'm sorry to interrupt, especially your ... intimacy, but this is an emergency. You need to return immediately."

"J'onn, go to hell. I'm naked in a hot tub with my girlfriend. I went to another country for a reason. Go get someone else to handle it. James is there. Kara is there. You're—"

"Kara is the problem," J'onn said interrupting Alex's refusal.

"What's wrong with, Little Danvers?" Maggie asked. "Uh, could you throw us our towels? I feel much more naked with you here."

"Certainly," J'onn said, tossing a towel to each of the women. "Kara has been attacking humans. We've been trying to get her in line, but she won't even talk to us. She has security at the hospital and—"

"What hospital? What are you talking about?" Alex asked as she climbed out of the tub and wrapped herself up in a towel.

"Kara didn't call you?"

Alex shook her head. "Well, she did right as we were getting on our flight. That was Thursday night. I haven't spoken to her since."

J'onn nodded. "That was the night Lena was shot."

"Lena was shot? What happened?" Maggie surged to her feet and wrapped her self in the towel.

"What we've been able to ascertain is that while out at a nightclub with Lena on Thursday evening, a man approached Kara. They spoke briefly. He gave her something which she took, and then she turned her back on him as she began to write on it. While her back was turned to him, the man drew a gun on Kara. Lena was approaching the table and got between Kara and the gunman."

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